Waking Up....
This is what the little one looks like when she just wakes up from one of her morning naps. We have to be very careful not to startle her because she is not totally with it when she just wakes up. You can tell that by the look on her face.

The Dress That John Bought
We got this beautiful dress in the mail today from Uncle John. We love it and can't wait for her to wear it to church on Sunday

Not Quite Able To Sit Up Yet....
The picture and title says it all.......

Bad To The Bone in Her Bernsie
We decided to cut one of her onesies into a sleeveless onesie. Bernie, my step dad, will appreciate this one. He is a big fan of the sleeveless undershirts or as some call them the "wife beaters". We didn't want to name the sleeveless onesie a wife beater so we called it a Bernsie after Bernie! The Harley Davidson jacket actually belongs to Mazie (our Yokie). We just threw it in the picture as a prop. Doesn't it look like Hayden has a little attitude in this picture. Almost like she is saying, "Eh, you talkin' to me!?"

Sea Creatures
Mom and Bernie gave us these sea creatures for Christmas. When we got them they were about the size of a baseball. We put them in the tub for about a week and they grew! The one on the left is a sting ray and the one on the right is a star fish.
This is also the last picture of me with long hair! I am going today to get it chopped off. It's just getting in the way and I am tired of it.

First Pair of Jeans
On Saturday we went out shopping for Hayden's first pair of jeans. Doesn't she look all grown up in this outfit!?