February 28, 2007
She then decides that it's time to roll over since it's more comfortable on her tummy. I hate that she does that, but there is not much I can do about it. She looks around and talks to her crib friends for a little bit.
After she has looked around and played on her tummy for a while she tries to gouge her eyes out with her fingers. She tries to take her nose off too. The fingers do end up in her mouth most of the time.
Finally, she is off to dreamland.........for a little while at least.
February 26, 2007
February 24, 2007
Suckin' on Those Fingers
We went for a family walk today and Hayden had a good time sucking on her fingers while taking it all in.
The treacherous trip back up after our walk.......
February 22, 2007
February 20, 2007
February 19, 2007
Here is a failed attempt......... It shows more of the actual "roll over process"
February 18, 2007
Lost Sleep Battle
Every night around 8:00 Hayden fights a battle against the sleepy heads. And she puts up a good fight but she also loses the battle every night.
February 17, 2007

As you recall, yesterday Hayden rolled over from her belly to her back. Well, tonight she rolled over from her back to her belly! Once again, no pictures or video....so I posted this annoying and kind of disturbing animation instead.
February 16, 2007
Here she is pausing for a quick pic before she preforms her amazing roll over trick. This picture was actually taken after the roll over took place. So the three pictures that you are about to see are reenactment photos. During the actual roll over there were no cameras present. Again, what you are about to see is a reenactment of an actual event that did take place only moments earlier.
Then, she glances over at her beloved cow. She wants to get over next to the cow really bad....but how will she do it?! Will they always have this distance between them?! Or wait....maybe......
Yep, she rolled over to get to her cow friend! We made a really big deal about it and she was really surprised and happy. We are so excited!!
A Chipmunk...no...a Balloon...ummm...a Blow Fish?
We went over to Jeff and Jan's house to get together with some family for dinner. After dinner Hayden fell asleep in daddy's arms. This is daddy's impersonation of Hayden while she is sleeping. I told him the moment this picture was taken that it was a "blog worthy" picture.
Shy Game
Hayden likes to play this new "shy game". She will look at someone and then hides her face in the shoulder of the person who is holding her- in this case it happens to be Grandpa Ross. They had a good time spending time together.

February 15, 2007
Another Toy Becomes a Victim of the Hayden Mouth!
As I have said before, anything and everything goes in this child's mouth. Here is one of her newest victims. It's a musical moooving (sorry-couldn't resist) cow with a huge head (we thought the huge head thing was rather appropriate). When you turn him on he "crawls" across the floor. Supposedly, that helps to encourage babies to crawl. She's not ready for the crawling thing yet. We bought it because Hayden holds it up to her mouth while it vibrates and she makes a really funny face. Oh yeah, and because it has a huge head!
February 14, 2007
What's Going on Over There?!
While I was giving Hayden a bath she kept turning her head and body in order to see what Daddy was doing in the kitchen. I think that she may be a chef when she grows up because she LOVES to watch us cook. Look out, she may be the next Rachel Ray or Sandra Lee....but hopefully not the big headed Everyday Italian lady..... Then when she gets older she can be the northern version of Paula Dean....because we all know that Hayden is going to speak and act like a yankie-just like her mama!!
Chef Daddy
Their eyes only met for a moment because daddy had to get back to cooking the gourmet Valentine's Day meal. Notice the Chardonnay on the counter (green bottle). I think that Daddy was taking a few swigs as he cooked. No just kidding, he used it in the fondue. We're hoping that didn't affect Hayden later than night. The last thing we need is a drunk baby!
Valentine's Day Photo Shoot
February 13, 2007
February 12, 2007
Talkin' Girl Talk
It's just so much fun to have a little buddy around the house to talk with. We talk about everything: cooking dinner, unloading the dishwasher, doing laundry, writing emails, vacuuming, getting dressed, changing diapers.......need I say more!
February 11, 2007
"This is the Life Ladies & Gents"
(Hayden's words....if she could talk)
Here is Hayden being bathed. When you think about it....she really has it good. She just sits back and mommy and daddy wash her, we change her diaper, dress her (in really cute clothes I might add), and feed her. She's got it made!

Say Cheese.....
Here is Hayden spending some time with Grandma Ross. It was getting close to nap time, so it's not her best shot.

ExerSaucer Time
Hayden just loves to play in her new exersaucer toy. There are so many fun things to do and she can even spin around and bounce up and down.....if she wants. She's a little too small for it so we just shove a towel in the seat with her to prevent her from doing a face plant in her toys. It looks like she's saying, "Come on and play Mommy, this thing is really fun!"
Stare into the spinny cylinder rattle thingy. You are getting verrrrrrrry sleepy......
February 9, 2007
February 8, 2007
What...You're Saying I Have a Big Head?!
This was the look on Hayden's face when the nurse told us she has a big head. It was pretty funny, the nurse took all of her measurements and then went to chart it all. When she got to charting the head circumference she said, "What, that's can't be right!" and measured it again. But it was right.....she has a HUGE head. Then when the doctor came in and looked at the measurement she decided to remeasure because the nurse may have made a mistake. But the doctor found out that Hayden just has an enormous head and the measurements were indeed correct! Her head really doesn't look big....who knows?!
Bunny Booty
I just had to take a picture of the back of this outfit. I just love the little bunny on her butt!! Thankfully, she was very drowsy when I put her on her belly. She didn't put up much of a fight.