March 31, 2007
She just can't resist the urge to put the dress into her mouth.
And then she realizes that she can't keep a straight face any longer because she knows that she is the one who made the mess. Busted!
Hayden just had to try on the bathing suit that Grandma and Grandpa Ross got her yesterday. Grandma Ross took Hayden and I out on a little shopping trip. Mommy got a dress, daddy got a pair of pants, and baby got a swim suit. It's a size 12 month....hopefully it will still fit in 4 months! Then again, a girl can't have too many swim suits!
We found another bathing suit in the drawer today! It was given to Hayden before she was even born. Like I said....a girl can never have too many bathing suits!
March 29, 2007

Something is Different in my Mouth
Her new thing is to chew on her tongue or bite her lower lip. I think she likes feeling her new teeth. It looks like they are about 1/4 of the way up.
March 28, 2007
I tried all day yesterday to get a picture of her teeth coming in. This is the best picture I got! If you click on it the picture will enlarge and you may be able to see those little buggers.
Just Peekin'......
Yesterday I was hanging some clothes up in Hayden's closet and when I turned around I saw this! She was just peeking over the railing to see what I was doing. She is just so cute!
Putting Weight on Those Legs
Hayden has started to put weight on her feet when you hold her up! In this picture Jerm is just holding her so that she won't fall down, but she is making herself stand! What a big girlie girl.
March 27, 2007
As you can see, Hayden loves to smile and laugh. She laughs at just about anything, I guess she gets that quality from her mommy. It makes life so much fun that way!
March 26, 2007
Story Time with Pappy
Hayden was in the mood to hear a good story tonight. So, Pappy read her a few of his favorite. She really enjoyed hearing him read to her. She was very attentive.....well as attentive as a 6 month old can be!
When Hayden woke up this morning she decided that she wanted to play in her little basket of toys. It's nice for her because she never can decide which toy she wants to play with.
March 25, 2007
Caution: Feeding a Baby Can Cause a Vein to Pop Out in Your Neck! It is kind of tough because she bites down so hard on the spoon with her nifty little new teeth....but is it really THAT tough Pappy?!
March 24, 2007
Time with Pappy
(aka: The Close Talker)
Pappy is in town this weekend for a long visit. Today we went to the Cherry Blossom Festival. It was about 85 degrees and sunny. What a perfect day for a festival! Can you believe it.....I forgot to bring the camera. This was taken with Pappy's phone while we were at the festival. We were watching a county line dancing performance. Pappy is all into country now! One of his favorite songs came on so he had to sing and dance with Hayden! Oh geeze, it was something to see!

March 23, 2007
How the Heck Does This Thing Work!?
Before Hayden was born we bought this shopping cart cover...little did I know she wouldn't be using it until now. She is able to sit up on her own, so I decided that when we go to the store today we will try out the cover. You know me, I had to take it out of the box and figure out how it works before I go to the store. I don't want to look like a total idiot. I think I figured it out, but I am definitely not going to look like I know what I am doing this time around! It also doubles as a little play mat. So, here she is just hangin' out on her new playmat while mommy reads the instructions.
Eat Your Heart Out J-Lo
I don't know why this denim dress reminds me of J-Lo (Jennifer Lopez) but it does. Since the weather is so nice she could be stylin' like J-Lo today.
March 22, 2007
March 21, 2007
Close, but no Cigar!
Moo(our cat) either sits on the cement wall right underneath the bird feeders or hides in the bushes. She just waits for birds to land on the feeder or ground in order to eat. Then she pounces. We think that this is the closest she has gotten to actually getting a bird. As you can see, she has feathers all over her face!! Crazy cat.
March 20, 2007
March 19, 2007

March 18, 2007
Side view....check out the ties in the back!! She's bad to the bone.
Night Time in My Night Cap
Here's Hayden in one of the pajama outfits that Grandpa and Grandma Ross gave her. Notice how well she is sitting up! She's getting so strong. We can't figure out why the night cap doesn't quite fit.... oh that's right, it's because of her huge head!