She was a little gassy during the photo session....I think she was working on something in this pictures- if you know what I mean.
She got a little embarrassed when I questioned her about her flatulation problem.....
She was a little gassy during the photo session....I think she was working on something in this pictures- if you know what I mean.
She got a little embarrassed when I questioned her about her flatulation problem.....
I was looking through the pictures on our camera tonight and I realized that we didn't post the next two! They are from Friday night when we had everyone over. What a cutie!
I think she is trying to make sure that her hair looks just as cool as her face does with her new glasses on.
Hayden got to sit in a booster seat for the second time tonight. She sat so quietly and drank her juice while Whitney and I talked business. We stopped at the store on the way there to get this binki clip so that when she threw her bink bink it wouldn't fall on the ground. It was awesome!
Not only did Kenneth and Angie get Hayden the UGA outfit with the matching sun glasses but they also got her this puppet wash cloth. We used it for the first time tonight and she LOVED it! I think that she really felt like she had a friend in the tub with her. It was really cute.
It's kind of funny how gentle Hayden is with the flowers in my garden. I think she loves them as much as I do.....which doesn't even compare to how much I love her!
Matt noticed that Hayden cracks up when she sees me. She thinks I am the funniest person in the world (which is awesome!). I was telling them that she cracks me up just as much as I crack her up. We just have the best time together.
I can picture it already...."Daddy, can I go out with my friends and take your truck tonight-even though you said I was grounded?" 16 year old Hayden is saying this to Jeremy as she bats her big beautiful puppy dog eyes. "Ok sweetie, but be careful and I love you." Let's pray that doesn't really happen!
Boy, does she love her daddy. Her face just lights up every afternoon when he gets home for lunch. We are so blessed that his job allows him to be home so much. She loves to feel her two teeth with her tongue. Yes-still just two teeth.....
Aren't they just so cute! God has given me such an amazing life.....
Earlier in the evening Hayden gave Angie a look as if she understood what Angie was saying to her. So, I asked Angie if it seemed like Hayden understood what she was saying. Angie agreed that it really looked like Hayden understood. I then explained to them that that's why it's so easy to talk to matter where we are-because she understands me! Kenneth responded with, "Oh, I'd love to be a fly on your wall one day!" Man, he would have some funny stories to share!
Poor little squirrel obsessed semi-neglected dog. Every year during spring and summer she sits in front of the back door and stares outside just waiting for squirrels to enter the garden. She then goes NUTS until we let her outside. It's so bad that we can't even say words that start with "sq" around her!
Poor old guy. He's about 13 years old and we are really starting to notice a change in him. He's moving a lot slower these days. This picture just sums up how he has been feeling lately!
Waiting patiently while Daddy signed about a million documents.
It's a GMC Sierra Z 71 Crew Cab.
At first Hayden was using the table to pull up so that she could stand and see things better. But then she used it to hide under so Mommy and Daddy couldn't see her.
This time she fell asleep while holding onto her juice. You can't let that get away!
Here she is sitting in the lower garden with the hydrangea bush. I love spring...everything is starting to come to life and bloom!
Playing with some of the hydrangea flowers.
Looking up at daddy to make sure everything is ok.
Now that Hayden has things to do (crawl, pull up on things, chew on toys, talk to people) she doesn't really like to take the time to pose for pictures. This is the only shot where she was actually looking at the camera!
Something Just Doesn't Feel Right.....
Yep, something is still wrong in this picture too.
Tonight, Daddy dressed Hayden after her bath. He was having a hard time because he was talking on the phone and trying to put lotion on a very mobile baby at the same time....not a good combination. Finally, after some grunting and groaning he said, "Trista, we need you in here." When I got in there he said, "Is this outfit on right?". Sure enough it was on backwards! He has trouble with the ones that have the snaps up the back. He just automatically thinks that the snaps go in the front. Funny stuff.
Brian, Suzanne, and Anna Leigh.
Here's Hayden giving me my Mother's Day card this morning. It says "Mamamamama" on the front of the envelope.
While we were in Savannah we had to eat at Paula Dean's restaurant! We couldn't get a reservation on Saturday night until 9:45pm!! So, we had a late night but it was worth it! We all packed into the Colorado for the ride there. It was Jerm, Suzanne, and me in the front seat and Brian, Hayden, and Anna Leigh in the back. The girls had a fun little screaming competition on the way there. And they tried to continue it while we were sitting at the table in the restaurant. Crazy girls! What a difference another child makes!!
The girls spent a lot of time playing on the floor together. Anna Leigh did such a great job of sharing her toys with Hayden. They got along so well together.
Anna Leigh is such a beautiful little girl, don't you think?! She has the prettiest big brown eyes. And she has the cutest voice.