Officially Getting Into Things...
I was working on the computer today and Hayden was crawling on the floor below me...just entertaining herself. Little did I know that chair grease was what was keeping her so preoccupied! I was on the phone with Sep and looked down at her and said, "Oh my gosh!". She had grease all over her hands and mouth. When I realized what it was I said, "Oh it's just oil....I mean grease." Sep was like, "I don't think it's ok for babies to eat oil or grease."
This is how the women in the bush of Zimbabwe carry their babies. Chenayi gave me this Zambia (green cloth) so that I could carry Hayden around when she was born. We put Hayden in it today so that I could send a picture over to Chenayi.
This is the first time that I have used it, but it seems like Hayden liked it a lot. She kept patting me on the back. Jeremy will take these pictures over to Chenayi when he sees her during these next few weeks in Zimbabwe. He is going to meet the woman that Hayden Chenayi is named awesome is that! On that note, please keep Jeremy and the other travelers in your prayers. They are currently traveling to London (where they will see Johnny!). Then after a 9 hour layover they will be off to Zimbabwe. Next they will travel to the bush to do their mission work. They will be back on July 14th.
Notice that I didn't have time to dry my hair this was very hectic in the Ross home today-getting Jeremy ready to leave and all.
I checked on Hayden during nap time yesterday and I found a leftover puff on her leg. I guess she was saving it for a wake up snack. Not a bad idea if you ask me.