July 31, 2007
July 30, 2007
She just loves blowing those 4th of July bubbles. I don't have the heart to tell her that the 4th of July is only one day and it's over!
July 29, 2007
Here's Hayden explaining to Angie how the CD player works. She tried to show Angie how to sing too. Little Mazie has to be the center of attention when we have company. Ok, you're right-Mazie knows that the only way she will get some attention is by begging for it when company is around!
Hayden also wanted to show Angie how to read. I guess we didn't tell Hayden that Angie is a school teacher and took music classes in college!
No reading, singing, or girlie talk for Kenneth. He just got down on the floor with her and wrestled. No, not really, but he did play with her.
July 27, 2007
So many ladies from our church baked away in order to provide a variety of sweets for the staff members to snack on.
Here are the teachers and other staff members enjoying the sweet treats.
July 26, 2007
Notice the purple thing on my toothpaste. It's awesome! It squeezes all the toothpaste out as you slide it down the tube. No more messy mashed up toothpaste tubes for me!
Oh yeah, Mirrora can even stand just like Hayden!
Here they are watching our friends on Fox5 News. No cartoons for this one in the morning. She likes to know what's going on in the world. She really is resting her chin on Jeremy's hand!
July 25, 2007
July 23, 2007
Hayden's favorite way to drink now is through a straw. So, I found this sippy cup that has a silicone straw! It's just perfect and she loves it.
July 21, 2007
They played together standing up and sitting down. Hayden just loved playing with Suds because she did everything Hayden did!
When it was time to say goodbye Hayden had to give Suds a kiss!
July 20, 2007
July 19, 2007
Great Grand Marmee gave Hayden a fairy tale book that comes with CD's and a little music player. Hayden's newest thing is pulling the CD's out and playing with them. She ran out of hands to hold them with so she put one in her mouth!
Check out the froggie footed pj's! Don't you just love them?!
July 18, 2007
July 17, 2007
July 15, 2007
They played it this afternoon. She loves the sounds it makes. She's really concentrating hard on creating this melody!
July 13, 2007
This was no ordinary neighborhood pool.....There were two pools (a big pool and a baby pool with little mushroom fountains) and 2 water slides with a little pool!
The girls played together for a little bit when we got back from swimming. Hannah just loved Hayden's shirt-she couldn't keep her hands off of it. It looks like she's tickling Hayden in this picture.
Hannah was a great host and she shared all of her toys with Hayden....whether she wanted to or not! Hayden didn't have a problem grabbing things out of Hannah's hands. We're going to have to work on her manners.
Hannah is just so cute! She's very petite and she has beautiful blue eyes. She loves to point at things. Both of her hands stay in the pointing position just in case she sees something she wants to point at.
Hayden pulled herself up using the table and found some magazines. I think that Hannah somehow told Hayden to get them down for her. So, Hayden pulled all the magazines down and put them in front of Hannah so that she could do a little shopping.