August 31, 2007
August 30, 2007
August 28, 2007
August 27, 2007
The other day Hayden was showing off her new trick...holding the sippy cup in her mouth with no hands!
August 26, 2007

They brought Hayden 2 books to read. Hayden enjoyed hearing Pop read the best friends book.

She loves her juice and big girl cup.

Hayden doesn't use this as a walker much. She just likes to ride on it.

Even though we aren't at the beach anymore Hayden still loves to play with the beach toy Aunt September bought her.

August 25, 2007
August 23, 2007
If you look closely you can see her two top teeth! I think she is very proud of herself since she now has 4 teeth. She loves to make this face show off her teeth.
This is another favorite of hers. She points to things and says, "Ba". To make the B sound she makes this face. It just cracks me up.
She doesn't mind splashing water all over her face, as you can see.
Hayden loves to laugh at things, even if she has no idea what she is laughing at. As soon as she hears mommy or daddy laugh she starts cracking up. Here she is laughing because I did.
August 22, 2007
August 19, 2007
August 17, 2007
This morning we walked down to the beach and hung out there for a little while.
I asked Jeremy to put Hayden's bathing suit on so that we could go to the pool and swim. Here is what I found when I looked over! Don't you understand why she's crying!?
We played at the pool for a while this afternoon. We practically had the pool to ourselves. It was very nice!
Daddy's little marshmallow puff in her life jacket
Our skipper took us out for a short ride and then we came back to drop Jeremy off. We all decided to take a dip in my uncle's pool before we got back on the boat.
Everyone was all smiles! Here's Bernie's daughter Amber (far right), and her two friends Ashley and Tiffany.
Hayden loved riding in Mimi the turtle.
September was splashing around in the pool in order to entertain our cousins Max and Katie.
August 15, 2007
Here is Hayden enjoying the salty water again!
Three generations of girlie girls!
Here we are taking time for a little cuddle before we went inside for lunch.
August 12, 2007
Today we went to Vinoy Park to walk along the coast. It ended up being VERY hot so we ended up doing a little shopping at Bay Watch. It was a wonderful afternoon.
This crazy root stuff was growing out of the limbs of the trees. We just had to take a picture of it and I needed a willing model for the shot!
A new food for the princess. Yesterday at the gathering Hayden found out what Goldfish tasted like and she loved it!
August 11, 2007
Here we are blowing bubbles in the pool. Hayden has so many pool toys now she will be set for life!
Things got a little crazy in the pool with my dad and brother. They took turns showing each other "who was boss".
Here is Johnny showing dad what's up!