She did tricks for us on the couch while we waited for more kids to come. She stood up by only pushing on the couch with her hands, rolled around, played peek-a-boo, and did "the Elmo". Grandma and Pap Milko bought her this cute little outfit.

She did tricks for us on the couch while we waited for more kids to come. She stood up by only pushing on the couch with her hands, rolled around, played peek-a-boo, and did "the Elmo". Grandma and Pap Milko bought her this cute little outfit.
Then she turned around and saw the googly eyes!
Here's a close-up. Hayden didn't go to school with me today since she was sick...maybe she'll be well enough to see her friends on Thursday. She had another play day with daddy!
Don't mind all of the clean clothes in the background....I just haven't gotten around to folding yet. By the way I HATE folding clothes!
We had face painting, cookie decorating, a candy walk (it's a southern thing), apple bobbing, a baking contest, a pumpkin contest, food, and a costume parade. It was a great time!
Here is Hayden's play area in my office. She gets to play here for an hour before school and an hour after school. She even gets to eat lunch here!
This Elmo doll laughs so hard that it bends over, slaps it's knee, sits down, and lays down on the floor. Hayden started doing this little move a few days after she got Elmo.
We think she is imitating Elmo....
She has some great fall clothes, I am kind of excited that the weather is getting cooler.
She does have a mini bouquet of flowers in her hand...that she's crushing!
Yes, she still has that crazy big toe.
"Look how high we are mommy!". Not really, mommy is just on the dirty ground taking this picture!
She has found out that her chair is a great stepping stool in order to get onto the couch!
Another present from Gram and Pap came today! Sorry Sep....this is the thing I was trying to describe to you so that you could get it for her! You can cross that off the list. Back to the present drawing board for you...
Last night Hayden did this all on her own! What a crazy girl.
I think she's saying, "I saw Pappy doing this yesterday...How does this thing work?!"
She's also learned how to open and close the door.
She's even brave enough to crawl through! These new toys are awesome.
Grandma Ross got all of the balloons for the party. There were balloons everywhere! They looked awesome.