November 28, 2007
November 25, 2007

Our house is officially FOR SALE as of yesterday afternoon. We are praying that it will sell quickly so that we can move further out in the country and build a house. Rolling hills, less traffic, peaceful little town here we come!!

November 22, 2007

Look at how much Hayden has changed in a year! This was her last Thanksgiving...
November 19, 2007
November 18, 2007

November 14, 2007
After a few days of feeling "pregnant" I took a test and sure enough it was positive! Based on dates, it looks like I may be about 6 weeks along.

November 12, 2007
November 11, 2007

Then Moo jumped it too. Hayden wasn't too happy about that considering Moo was the one that scratched Hayden this morning! I was on the couch holding Hayden this morning and Jeremy went to let Mazie in from outside. Moo was on the couch drinking the leftover milk from Jeremy's cereal bowl. When Mazie came running inside it scared Moo. So, Moo jumped on Hayden's head (claws out) and then jumped on the side table and knocked over a cup of water. Hayden was startled but fine. Jerm grabbed Moo, opened the front door, and tossed her over the front porch railing and into the front yard. Those of you that have been to our house know that that's about a 25 foot drop! Ok, so when Jeremy read this he told me that it really is only a 10 foot drop! So I may have exaggerated a little....

Hayden never did figure out how to stand on the hill!

November 10, 2007

We go to our Sunday school teacher's house every Friday night for Bible study. He has a 13 year old daughter that watches Hayden while we have the discussion. Last night Abby had two friends over so Hayden had a great time just hanging out with the girls....and Aaron-Abby's younger brother.

Hayden is sick for the second time since her first birthday a little over a month ago! I guess she's just not used to being around lots of little kids. Her immune system isn't strong enough yet. Please just keep her in your prayers as her health continues to adjust to the new change.
November 9, 2007

Fridays are catch up days for me. Since I don't work on Friday I am able to clean up the house and put the laundry away that I folded days earlier (I's sad!). Hayden wanted to help me do that too, so she dug right into the underwear! Don't worry, she only does this with clean underwear!

November 8, 2007

November 6, 2007

November 3, 2007
November 2, 2007

Hayden went through her diaper bag and pulled this outfit out. She took it over to her chair and tried to put it on....unsuccessfully.

I put Hayden in the big chair while I vacuumed her room. She just sat there and "read" one of her books.