January 31, 2008
January 30, 2008

Here she is clapping her hands so that Grady will bring the bone to her.

January 29, 2008

This is her serious driving face...

Hayden loves to go up and down stairs...no matter where they are.


January 28, 2008
January 27, 2008

I was outside trying to turn a refrigerator box into a puppet theater for the Bible lessons that I do for the preschool kiddies each week. In order to keep Hayden entertained I decided to turn some extra cardboard into a little play house for her.

January 23, 2008

Once she goes in her "Royal Flush" it plays a celebration song (there are 4 different tunes so she won't get sick of one!). Here she is showing mommy how proud she is of herself.

She has already learned what we do next. She is the one that grabbed the blue bowl out of the potty so that we could poor it down the toilet. Mommy took it from her just to be on the safe side. After that she walked over to the side of the toilet so she could flush it! She wasn't strong enough to flush it on her own, so mommy had to help her. What a quick learning!
*She has only done #1 in the potty, we aren't quite ready to clean up the #2 yet!
Hayden loves to drink using a straw. While she was drinking out of her pumpkin cup last nigh we realized that it would rest right on her walker so that she could drink on the go!

Here she is helping mommy deliver the laundry to the bedrooms. What a wonderful little helper. Mommy is going to need a good helper in about 5 months once the little sib comes along!

January 18, 2008
January 16, 2008
January 14, 2008

Here she is yelling at Grady because he is picking on Mazie....like usual.

She really liked it when daddy helped her get the ball from Mazie so that she could throw it again.
Side Note: That's not the side of our house in the background-it's our neighbors!

Crazy mullet head. We love her long locks though.

Here she is on her way back from chasing Moo away. The whole time she was going towards her she was saying, "moo moo moo moo". I think she's going to have a little confusion when she learns that her cats name is the same sound that a cow makes!

Praise the Lord! Hayden's fever is gone is she is doing well. She had a great night sleep last night-other than the few times that paranoid mommy went in to check her temperature! She went to the doctor today and they gave her some medicine for her cough and were able to determine that she had a virus based on some blood work that they did. Thanks for your prayers!
January 13, 2008

Hayden love to walk around with her walker and her back pack dragging beside her.
January 11, 2008

Next, she decides to try and push the door open herself since daddy is not cooperating. She leans all of her weight into the door and makes a grunting sound. Check out the strain on her face.

Lastly, she knocks on the door with her head....just in case daddy didn't hear her when she knocked with her fist.

January 10, 2008

On a different note: I went to the OB yesterday for my first "official" pregnancy visit!! Everything looked just fine. I even got to hear the little one's heart beat. It was nice and strong. Other than the fact that some of the tests showed I was a little dehydrated things are looked good for mommy and the new baby.