Walking and More
I got a special request for some Hayden walking and Grady videos. So, here is a little video that we took at different points during the day today. Hope you enjoy! She's growing up fast!!
Attack Daddy!!
Last night daddy let Hayden attack him. They had a great time together. First, she caught him off guard.
I think Hayden thinks that she's a slide expert since she has a little one in her preschool room.
As soon as she came down she wanted to go right back up again.
She had to have a snack with her while she drove. We're glad she's eating again!! She hasn't eaten much at all the past few days.
Doesn't she look like a little Miss Priss in this picture!? "Could you get the door for me darling?"
She learned how to prop her feet up on the door and take a rest. Speaking of learning things-it's scary how observant she is...she really takes EVERYTHING in. Last night I was eating a Poptart for dinner. I was dipping it in my milk cup (some may think that's weird). I looked over at Hayden and she was dipping her cracker into her bowl of peas! Crazy girl!
Hayden loves balloons. She talks about them all the time. Yesterday I bought two balloons for the Valentine's Day celebration at preschool. Hayden got to bring them home when we were done. She has been carrying them around for 2 days now.
Hayden wanted her shoes and juice at the same time, so she figured out how to make it work.
Like her new hair do? It sure does keep the hair out of her face, and we think it looks really cute too!
The other day Hayden climbed up on the couch so she could hang out with all of her peeps on the couch. She love her stuffed animals....especially her bears.
On a different note....Jeremy and I have finally agreed on a name for baby number two. But we have decided to keep it a surprise until she comes in late July. So, you'll have to wait until she arrives to hear the beautiful name we have chosen!
This is the birthday card that Pappy got mommy for her birthday yesterday. It plays "I'm so Excited" and Hayden loves to listen to it over and over and over again!! Pappy also got us a Chili's gift card. So, that's where we went for Birthday dinner last night. We then went to Cold Stone!! Mommy's favorie!