The whole thing is a fundraiser for the fire department.
Hayden got Very Berry Strawberry ice cream. She even got her first cold headache! I felt bad, but it was a tiny bit funny to watch....I mean that in the most loving way possible.
The whole thing is a fundraiser for the fire department.
Hayden got Very Berry Strawberry ice cream. She even got her first cold headache! I felt bad, but it was a tiny bit funny to watch....I mean that in the most loving way possible.
When we were in Grove City visiting Marmee she gave us a very easy cookie recipe. I tried it out last night and the cookies weren't too bad! Here's the recipe:
1 box of cake mix (any flavor)
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
That's it! Just bake them like you would bake regular cookies (375 for 8-10 minutes). Last night I used yellow cake mix and put chocolate chips in too. With all of the mix ins and cake mix flavors I feel like the possibilities are endless!
You will also notice that the pictures look a lot clearer. I was telling Jerm that the pictures looked hazy. I thought that a setting was changed or something. He looked at it yesterday and found that there was a huge smudge finger print on the camera lens. Now that he cleaned it off the pictures look great!
Mommy pregnancy update: The other week when I went to the doctor I had that sugary blood test done (refer to the last ultrasound picture if you don't know what I am talking about). They called me today to say that my glucose levels were low and I am anemic. So, I just have to take some prescription once a day and everything should be ok. Just proves that every child and pregnancy is different!
She did think it was kind of funny. Later tonight she sat down in the do better place again. Not sure why. I think she likes it!
Marmee has a nursery in her house. It's filled with all of the toys that her youngest son, Andy, played with when he was little. I played with these toys when I was little. And, Hayden got to play with all of these toys on Friday!
Tember took Hayden down all of the slides in the place (there were only two). Once they went down the slide we had to leave the room because that's all Hayden wanted to do!
They had a special room for babies and toddlers. Lots of hands on activities.
She got to throw all of Pap's money into the pond.
She liked watching the penguins swim right by her face.
Looks like "Underwater Friends" is going to be a good theme for her 2nd birthday party. I have already begun some of the planning since I will have my hands full with another baby in a few months!
Headed home after a long day of walking at the zoo.
She learned how to roar like the lions. She had already learned it from the computer, but it was neat for her to see them in real life.