June 30, 2008

It then turned into a game after about 1 minute of crying. She was opening and closing the door saying "Boo!"

If this is as "terrible" as she gets I can deal with that!

June 28, 2008

Now she hugs him and decides that she's going to try and climb on his back.

Jerm took this picture. Doesn't it look like she is shielding away the paparazzi!

How I know that Hayden won't be a hunter:
Yesterday, Hayden was in the bathroom with Moo Moo (our cat). She was watching Moo drink out of the toilet (water was "clean"). I don't think that Hayden liked the idea of Moo drinking out of the toilet so I think she tried to get Moo down. Well, Moo went in the toilet! Just a little dip. Moo went running and Hayden started screaming for Mommy. All Hayden could talk about was finding Moo Moo so she could give her a hug. So, we HAD to find Moo and give her a hug because Hayden felt so bad. Hayden has such a compassionate heart I just know she won't be able to shoot a deer or even see her daddy shoot a deer. She would cry right on the spot!
June 24, 2008

Robert, daddy, and Hayden eating peanuts and talking about hunting while Lynnsey and I talked girl talk. None of us really watched a lot of the game. It was just nice for us to get out with some friends and chat!

Cartoon Network is a place that we had to visit-for Hayden's sake of course!
June 21, 2008
Sprinkler Time!!

Here's Hayden trying to coax Mazie, Grady, and Moo Moo to come through the sprinkler.

Drinking the water on her hands.

Trying to actually drink the water.

Here is the lake view from the balcony of our suite.

This is the view from The Commons-where we had dinner on Friday night. That's Stone Mountain. When we got back to the hotel there was sparkling cider and chocolate covered strawberries waiting for us! After we enjoyed those we went to Stone Mountain to see the laser light show. It was pretty amazing.
On Saturday morning we took the Skylift to the top of Stone Mountain.
I had to sit down a rest a few times.

June 16, 2008

We tried to get the video camera out fast enough to catch the head bobbing, but we weren't quick enough.

June 15, 2008

Everything Dad
A little girl needs her daddy
A girl needs her dad
A woman needs her father
You’ve been all these things, Dad.
By Joanna Fuchs

June 13, 2008
June 11, 2008
June 9, 2008

He served spinach artichoke dip, chips, salad, vegetables, fruit, wrap sandwiches, chicken salad, finger sandwiches, pasta salad, cake, ice cream, and punch!! It was all wonderful. We took tons of food home, so we will be enjoying it all week long!

Children were welcome so there were lots there! Hayden was even able to hang out with one of her friends from the toddler room on Sundays.

The cake was so beautiful. The baby in the corner is done with fondant (which is edible). We didn't eat it though. They took it off the cake before we cut it. So, I now have it in my refrigerator...not sure what I will do with it though! It's really cute. Hayden sat right by my side and checked out all of the gifts that her little sister got. She even got a few gifts!