Here's a picture of Jerm and his new little princess. Two weeks old today!

Here's a picture of Jerm and his new little princess. Two weeks old today!
This one is a picture of Daddy. What a little left handed artist. She definitely makes it a point to use her left hand when she is drawing with her markers.
She got tired of looking at elephant so she rolled over on her side (by herself) and looked at Grady's dog bed for a while. She sleeps on her side so it's a very comfortable position for her.
Well, last night we decided to venture out of the house for the first grocery trip as a family of four! I was a little nervous, but it had to be done! Layne cried pretty much the whole way to the store and Hayden just stared at her with a worried look on her face. Then we got to the store and had to decide who was going where. Layne and her car seat went in the front seat of the cart and Hayden just sat in the basket part with all of the groceries. Layne was fine for a little while. Then she started to scream. I ended up having to park the cart and take Layne's car seat out of the cart and rock her. I had to do that a number of times in order to get through the store. Hayden loved the basket seat with all of the groceries. She tried to open just about everything. I had to keep a close eye on her. I would just tell Jerm what to get and he would go and get it and then try to find us in the store. It was an experience!
Tonight, right as we were about the start eating the dinner that Jerm made for us Layne woke up from her nap and was VERY hungry. There was no putting her off until dinner was over. So, I was feeding/holding her with one arm and eating dinner with my other arm. I also had to tend to Hayden occasionally as well. It was a crazy sight!
"Peek-a-Boo Layne"
We got the AquaBouncer out today to see how Layne would like it. I think Hayden enjoyed playing peek-a-boo with Layne more than Layne enjoyed the chair!
The three girls took a field trip back to the doctor's office to weigh Layne. She had to go back since she wasn't back up to her birth weight on Monday at her first appointment. I am happy to say that she weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces....2 ounces heavier than her birth weight! So, we don't have to go back until her 1 month appointment!!
It was an experience going to the doctor's office with the two girls though. They were both very well behaved, but when I went to get them out of the car I had to think about it. Which one should I get first? If I get Layne first where will I out her when I am getting Hayden out of her seat? If I get Hayden first what will she be doing while I am getting Layne out? Things I didn't have to think about when we only had one to keep up with!!
Cereal for lunch!? Yeah yeah, we are doing what we can around here. We are trying to get settled into a routine, but we aren't quite there yet!
Grandma and Pop sent Hayden a card that had this mask in it. It doesn't stay on long, but I was able to snap a picture quickly before she took it off. What a cutie.
Here's a picture of Hayden and Grandma playing on the computer together. Hayden has fun doing anything with Grandma, she really is enjoying this visit.
Pappy was in town for 24 hours on business, so he stopped in for a quick visit! He brought me flowers, and Hayden and Layne little stuffed animals. Here he is giving Hayden a horsey ride.
As soon as he walked in the door she yelled "Pappy" and reached up to him for a big hug. She then grabbed him by the hand and tried to show him everything "in her world".
Quick picture with his new granddaughter before he had to make the long drive back to Florida.
Grandma has been in town since Wednesday morning. This time around she was able to be here for Layne's birth. She was also here to stay with Hayden while we were at the hospital. Now, she is here doing ALL of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, running errands that we need....and more! She has been and continues to be such an amazing blessing to us. She is helping to make this transition a little easier. And of course Hayden is in heaven!!!
Layne didn't really like to sleep much at night in the hospital. The night that we were there Jeremy and I were up until 5am with her! She cried and cried and ate and ate but didn't sleep at all. The second night (our first night home) she stayed up until 3am doing the same thing. But last night my milk came in and it's like we have a different child! She went down at 10pm and we woke her up at 2am and 6am to feed her! So, mommy and daddy got some much needed sleep last night. Here is Hayden sleeping with the baby doll that Layne brought with her when she came out of mommy's tummy. Jeremy and I bought her a Graco baby doll play set. It has a stroller, pack 'n play, high chair, swing, and car seat....all for her baby doll!! We will have to get some pictures.
Mommy's First Outing
I ventured out this morning to get milk and donuts. Today is a special day so I had to take a trip out and get a special breakfast. When I got home Hayden ate a strawberry donut with rainbow sprinkles. She made sure to eat all of the icing and sprinkles off!
Layne Eden Ross was born at 2:35pm and weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce. She was 19 1/2 inches long. Only about 20 minutes of pushing to get her out!
Hayden meeting her baby sister for the first time. I honestly think that it was love at first sight for Hayden.
Hayden is already so protective of Layne. The nurse came in and pricked Layne's foot and Hayden was very concerned about her baby sister.
It's now 6:30am on Wednesday morning (I MADE IT!) and we are about to leave in order to go to the hospital so that I can be induced. As some of you may remember, I was induced with Hayden but that's because my fluid was leaking. So, I have been through the whole petocin thing before. I was in labor for 9 hours with Hayden, we are hoping for a shorter labor with this one but we will see. My mom's flight gets in this morning at 8:30am. So, she will be able to be up at the hospital with us when the baby is born!! Praise the Lord!! Jeff and Jan are going to stay here at the house with Hayden until the baby is born. Once my mom gets here she will be able to care for Hayden while Jeremy, new baby, and I stay at the hospital for a couple days. Please keep us all in your prayers today. We will keep you posted.