August 30, 2008
August 29, 2008
Layne is starting to pay more attention to her animals on her play mat.
Layne is doing very well at work each day. She eats, sleeps, and is very content while I am there. Now, the evenings are a different story. She definitely has a fussy time, but we can say that it's not as bad as Hayden's was. She is sleeping between 7 and 8 hours at night though so I am very happy about that.
August 28, 2008
Happy Early Birthday!
Today Pop and Grandma came over to celebrate Hayden's birthday early since they are leaving soon to go live in Kenya for 3 years. If you want to read more about them click HERE.
They brought her a book, teddy bear, and money to go clothes shopping!! It was a great early birthday celebration.
August 27, 2008
This is the typical pose for Layne while she sleeps. Laying on her tummy, binkie in her mouth, and hand holding the binkie in.
August 26, 2008
Layne in her swing....she's content in here for about 2 minutes then she screams!
Well, Layne and I went to MY 6 week check up today. We have clearance to go ahead and start trying to have another one-if we'd like.....YEAH RIGHT!!
August 25, 2008
Here's the back view....little miss no bum! Her hair is a little ratty in the back because she just woke up from her nap.
August 24, 2008
August 23, 2008
Here is Hayden at 2 1/2 months wearing the same Steelers outfit. She had the smile down since she was a little older than Layne is now.
Hayden is battling a cold right now. She did have a very long nap today though. This is right after she woke up. She was wearing her snack and I thought it was so cute how her little legs were crossed. She had just sneezed right before I took the shot.
August 22, 2008
Layne did end up fussing some so I picked her up. Hayden was up on the chair as soon as I picked Layne up. Talk about looking big! Where has the time gone....she's just growing up too fast!
We got a package in the mail yesterday. Grandma Milko and Pap got the girls t-shirts from Kennywood Park! I tried to get a good picture of both of them in their shirts...but it proved to be a very difficult task! And Layne was not the problem! Layne's shirt is size 6 months by the way!
August 21, 2008
Of course, Hayden just had to push her little sis in the swing. She did very well and was very gentle-just like mommy told her to be.
On a different note-Hayden started school today! She is in the 2 year old class this year and she fits right in with the younger 2's class. They must have played and learned very hard today because she fell asleep on the way home! Lunch would have to wait because she was pooped! I am up at the church during preschool hours too because I am still serving as the interim preschool director. I am so blessed to have a flexible and understanding staff because I am allowed to have Layne up at the church with me every day!
I guess the swinging motion made little Layne sleepy.
When I was pregnant with Layne Hayden and I would come outside to swing. I would sit in this chair and push Hayden. Monkey see monkey do!!
Hayden is so big that she can climb the latter and go down the slide all by herself!
Daddy had the bedroom/office window open and he was watching Hayden count to three (which she does very well!) and then go down the slide. When she got to the bottom she would look for daddy and say "Hey daddy!"
August 19, 2008

Layne just hanging out on the boppy. Those hands are pretty crazy and out of control these days. She always manages to find my hair and get a good grip on it though!

Hayden had to try out the boppy since Layne did!

August 18, 2008
More bath time fun!
August 17, 2008

Grandma Milko brought this toy with her when she came about a month ago. It's a fishing rod that has a magnet in it. There are 3 little magnetic sea creatures that she can "fish" for. Pretty neat!

August 16, 2008

Kickle kickle Gra-Gra: Tickle tickle Grady!

Kickle kickle Elo: Tickle tickle Elmo