After dinner we decided to decorate our Christmas tree. So, I made some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and we got started.

After dinner we decided to decorate our Christmas tree. So, I made some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and we got started.
When Hayden got up from her nap this afternoon she walked out with her hand in her pockets. This is her serious pose. Really, it's because she just woke up and it still a little out of it.
Here is the mommy to be concentrating on one of the shower games. What a cute little pregnant lady!
Hayden and I went into Layne's room to get her out of her crib and Hayden wanted to join her! She said she remembers sleeping in that crib when she was little, but who knows.
Layne has rolled over, from tummy to back, twice this past week. But, she does it in her crib at night so we don't see it! I just wake up because she starts to cry since she doesn't like to sleep on her back. We'll see her do it one of these days soon I bet. Also, Layne has that pink fleece blanket in her crib because she is a HUGE drooler.
Getting Sick?
Two friends and I are having a baby shower for Rebecca. It is Winnie the Pooh and Friends themed. So, here are the cookies that I made as favors for all of the guests. Lots of Poohs and lots of fun!
I don't want to offend anyone that puts these cute little elastic bands on their baby girl's head...so I hope you aren't offended! We got some of these cute little elastic bands as hand me downs from people. We never used them when Hayden was a baby, but recently she found them in the "hair accessories" drawer in her bathroom. So now we like to play with them.
Miss Layne is 4 months old today. She has her 4 month check up on Wednesday morning. I will fill you in on how that goes later in the week. Layne is just such a happy little baby. She isn't laughing yet, but it's coming soon-I just know it. She is always smiling and cooing. She is such a good napper and night time sleeper. She doesn't even really cry or fuss when she goes down for a nap. We don't really use the binkie anymore either! A scheduled baby is a happy baby. I have learned that with both of my girls! Some people say that the girls look "just alike" and others say that she looks like a mini Jeremy-nobody is saying that she looks like me though. Big shocker! People are now saying that Hayden looks like me though, so we will see what Layne looks like in a couple years! Happy 4 month birthday precious baby!
Noah's Ark Little People Toy
Each month Hayden "learns" a new nursery rhyme. This month is Little Boy Blue. Hayden brought this home on Thursday. Check out her name! I'm sure she did not do this on her own, but it looks like she helped out some. Pretty cool stuff.
Lunch at Chick-fil-A
Here's a funny story for you. It all started yesterday afternoon during nap time for Hayden. I was going to read her a story before her nap so I took my shoes off, climbed up her steps, and sat in bed with Hayden to read her a story. After I finished the story I climbed down the steps and left her room. About 45 minutes later I heard a lot of thumping in the hallway. I thought that it was Jeremy coming down the hallway into the family room (where I was). When he didn't show up I decided to walk down the hallway and see what was going on.....
I read Hayden this book before nap time today. She told me that she wanted to keep it in her bed so that she could read it to her babies. When I passed her room about 20 minutes later this is what I saw.