November 29, 2008

Decorating the Christmas Tree

After dinner we decided to decorate our Christmas tree. So, I made some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and we got started.

After Hayden would take a drink of her hot chocolate she would say, "Hayden like chocolate."

Hayden wanted to help daddy put the angel on top of the tree until she realized it involved her being held up high in the air. So, this is Hayden helping daddy.

Here she is reaching to put one of the ornaments on one of the branches.

This is Hayden's tree. She helped decorate this one too and it's even in her room! And yes, Hayden is resting her arm on the window ledge just like a model would. Layne has a smaller one with silver bells on it in her room.

All done! This is a fake tree that we "inherited" from Jeff and Jan when they left for Kenya...thanks-we think it's beautiful and maintenance free!

Poor Layne missed all the fun because she was taking a nap. Maybe next year!

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