This is really how Hayden fell asleep in the car this afternoon! She is talking on her cell phone. What is she going to be like as a teenager!?
December 31, 2008
December 29, 2008

This year money was very tight, so I decided to make just about every gift that we gave. Here are some of them. If you see something that you'd like to try just click on the name of it and it will take you to the website where I got the idea and the much needed instructions. I made plastic bag holders, felt crowns, fabric headbands, reversible fleece hats, and hand print canvases. I did not put a link for the reversible fleece hat because I couldn't find a good website-Jeremy read a few websites and combine the ideas in order to walk me through how to make those bad boys. It was a lot of fun and I think everyone liked their gifts.
December 28, 2008
December 26, 2008
Today Matt and Jamie came over to celebrate Christmas. We had dinner and hung out for a while. Jamie crocheted this hat and scarf for Hayden! They are the cutest things I have ever seen! I am in love with them.
December 25, 2008
Here is Johnny playing "Santa" this morning.
December 23, 2008
Today, Jeremy and Johnny went up to Seven Springs to go snowboarding. Well, Jeremy had a skiing accident while they were up there-as you can see. This is an X-ray of Jerm's wrist. He broke one of the bones pretty bad.
So sorry for the delay in posting! I'm back though and ready to fill you in on all of our Pittsburgh adventures so far. Last night we went to the mall to see Santa. We all weren't too sure if Hayden would be alright with sitting on St. Nick's lap, but other than the deer in headlights look she had the entire time, she was fine. Layne, who we thought would cry for sure, was great and even smiled some! Hayden told Santa that she wanted a Dora doll and movie and Layne wanted a purple binki.
Picking out a Christmas Tree
Checking out the Artificials
December 16, 2008
December 15, 2008

Over the past two days I have been working on these bad boys. They have been a little time consuming but fun to do. I was even able to get Jeremy to join in on the fun last night. He helped me fill them in with the blue at about 11:00pm.

December 14, 2008
This year we were asked to be the "Holy Family" for the Christmas musical at Heritage Hills. It really didn't involve too much, but it was fun to be involved in such an important story.
Following in Big Sister's Footsteps

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a few days, things have just been crazy around here between sewing, baking, cleaning, acting (you'll see what I'm talking about later tonight) and packing. We are just trying to get everything taken care of before we head to Pittsburgh for a week.
Here is a picture of Hayden yesterday. I think it was 4 or 5 in the afternoon....yes, she is still in her pj's! She wanted to sit outside and throw stones off of the steps.

December 11, 2008
December 9, 2008
Layne and I went to Target today before we picked Hayden up at preschool. We bought this nice warm fleece outfit for our trip to Pittsburgh.