December 25, 2008

Christmas in Pittsburgh

Here is Johnny playing "Santa" this morning.

Jeremy had surgery on his arm on Christmas Eve. They ended up putting the external device on his arm that has 4 pins that go into his bone! It's a pretty heavy duty piece of bling. Bernie was calling him FrankenRoss. He's in pain but doing well. He's trying to figure out how to do things one handed.

Here is little Miss Layne opening one of her gifts with Grandma this morning.

As soon as Hayden saw the Hello Kitty undies in her stocking she just had to have them on. So, here she is opening one of her presents, a Smart Cycle, from Grandma and Pap.

Aunt Tember and Hayden after opening all of the gifts.

Oh the madness. There were 11 of us sleeping under the same roof this week!!

Merry Christmas! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We sure did!

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