Grandma & Pap's Road Trip

Grandma and Pap bought the girls some gifts that we couldn't bring home with us due to their size. So, they decided to take a 12 hour road trip in order to deliver them and visit with the girls of course! This Smart Cycle is one of the gifts. Hayden is in love with it already!!

Here are Hayden and Pap on Saturday morning. They decided to snuggle on the couch for a little while. Hayden is such a cuddler.

Once she was done snuggling with Pap she went over to cuddle with Grandma. As you can see everyone wanted to snuggle with Grandma!

Little Layner all bundled up in a blanket.

Grandma, Pap, Hayden, Mazie, and Grady all went on a walk on Saturday morning. It was about 25 degrees outside, but we bundled Hayden up. They had a good time walking the neighborhood even though it was a brisk morning. Of course 25 degrees isn't that cold to the northerners!!

Layne tried baby food for the first time on Saturday afternoon. I fed her carrots and she LOVED them. She ate half the jar!!

She has been eyeing food since she was about 3 months old, so I thought that she would be a good eater. I am going to try making baby food for Layne. I think that I will just make it on the weekend and freeze it in ice cube trays. I'm going to try my first batch this afternoon.

What a mess!!

Full tummy, clean, and happy!

Saturday night was date night for me and Jeremy!! Grandma and Pap watched the girls while we went out. We went to Jim & Nicks and then to a movie-Grand Torino. It was a great night out. Thanks mom and Bern!!

While we were out Hayden and Pap played and played on the Smart Cycle. I guess they got a little tired out!

Here is Layne just talking away. She is very eager to get moving and talking in order to keep up with the big sister that she adores.

She had to say some things to Miss Mazie too!

I know it was a long drive for mom and Bern...just for one weekend, but we really loved having them. Along with hanging out with the girls they cleaned, shopped, and organized stuff! Nothing against Jeremy, but he just hasn't been able to be much help around the house due to his arm injury so it was nice to have a few extra hands and some relief for the weekend. We love you guys-thanks for everything!!