Sweet as Honey?!

You know those moments that happen in slow motion sometimes? Well, one of those moments occurred today. Layne was crawling on the floor in the family room and she was headed towards the laundry room. All of a sudden I saw what I thought was a wasp on the floor directly in her path. Sure enough it was and she wanted to pick the pretty yellow and black thing up. And she did. And it stung her. And she screamed! And screamed! Once I got her calmed down I went on a search for the bugger. We got him!
The spot didn't swell too badly but she has been running a fever all day and she's been pretty fussy. Poor sweet girl.
Fun in the Sun!

Today it's in the high 70's so we have been outside most of the time. We even brought the hose and sprinkler up on the deck for Hayden. Layne wasn't a big fan, as you can see. She's not a big fan of anything today though!

I showed Hayden that she could run around the sprinkler instead of going right through the streams of water. She liked that idea a whole lot better. Yesterday great grandma took us shopping at the consignment sale down the street. She got Hayden lots of clothes-including 2 bathing suites! This is her bikini for the summer. We can't wait for our 2 week Florida trip in July! Thanks great grandma!!

Hayden's new thing is summersaulting (I guess that's a word). Not sure where she learned it, but she loves it!
Humpty Dumpty

Yesterday morning while I was making cupcakes Hayden started saying the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme. I am assuming that she learned that one at preschool. She got the first verse down pat. We talked about Humpty Dumpty and she knew that he was an egg and he fell. She wanted to know what happened to Humpty Dumpty after they couldn't put him back together though. Daddy's answer was that he's now scrambled!
I showed Hayden how to pretend that she's Humpty Dumpty. Here she is reenacting Humpty Dumpty falling off of the wall.
Another Visitor: Baby Giovanni!

Last night I watched Giovanni while Jonathan and Becca went out for a date night. The girls had so much fun with him!

We played inside for a little bit, then we came outside to swing. Hayden gracefully gave up her swing to Gio.

He is such a good baby! He didn't mind being dropped off at a stranger's house for a few hours while his parents had a good meal together. No tears and no complaints!

Crazy Layne-always has that tongue out!

Hayden multi-tasking! She is such a little mother. I can't imagine what I would do without my precious little helper.