Day After Mother's Day Reflection...

I went to bed Saturday evening with the thought of waking up to the smells of homemade pancakes and freshly squeezed orange juice. This was going to be the morning that I didn't have to get out of bed early to let those wining dogs out. I could just roll over and wake up gradually. I wouldn't have to lift a finger all day. Everything was going to be done for me. I would be Queen for a day! Ahhh.....Mother's Day-what a wonderful day it was going to be! Or so I thought.
"Here we go again" were the words that woke me abruptly at 4:30 am. Jeremy had kidney stones, again, for the 20 millionth time (or at least that how many it seems like he's had). He has gotten to be quite a pro at passing those tiny buggers.
The first time that I experienced this process I wasn't sure what to do. It seems like it's a really painful thing and I am a nurturing person that hates to see people in pain. Well, I quickly learned that I am only to do things when and how I am asked. Nothing more, nothing less. I now totally understand that since I have given birth on two separate occasions. I basically wanted Jerm to leave me alone until after they gave me the drugs!
So, on Sunday morning I waited to be called upon-got him some pain medication, crackers, and water. He rolled around, moaned and groaned for about 30 minutes and then we were back to sleep. Not so bad. Thoughts of that scrumptious breakfast sent me back into dreamland. Until around 7:00 when I heard Jeremy moaning again. More kidney stones!? He asked for another pain pill and crackers. Yes sir!
Needless to say, the combination of 2 pain pills in 2 1/2 hours on an empty stomach and passing 3 kidney stones wiped him out! So, I got up with the dogs and girls and we let daddy sleep. The thought of homemade pancakes was stuck in my mind so Hayden and I made them together while little Layner observed our every move. We woke daddy up for breakfast, wolfed it down, and rushed off to Sunday school since Jerm is the teacher for the next few months!
He made it through Sunday school, but that was about it. Once we got home he was a prisoner to the couch for the rest of the day. He couldn't even get up without felling nauseous! The poor guy would attempt to get up and join us but ended up quickly retreating to the couch every time.
So, the girls and I celebrated Girl's Day instead of Mother's Day! We laughed over lunch, chatted as we cleaned, splashed in the sprinkler, and acted silly as we shopped. The absolute best part of my day was at the end. Hayden, Layne, and I went into Hayden's room and just hung out. I have been so busy with work, tutoring, cleaning, and cake baking among other things that I have sacrificed that "do nothing down time" so many days! We just laid together on her floor and talked and laughed until I cried. I was able to reconnect with my astounding 2 1/2 year old and 9 month old. It reminded me that this IS where I want to be, this is where I belong-HOME!
My Mother's Day was not a day for me to be treated like a Queen for the day. Not a day for me to relax and be waited on hand and foot as I had envisioned-would I have even enjoyed it if it had been? It was a day for me to reconnect with what's most important in my life, a time for me to get my priorities straight. A day for me to reflect on how blessed I am to have two remarkable, intelligent, precious, healthy little gifts from God. A time for me to realize once again what an amazing gift I have been given- the task of loving, nurturing, educating, and training our girls for their place in the world as adults. Who I am as a mom is in large part because of my momās influence, and someday our girls will come to understand that their mom helped shape who they are as parents and women. But don't get me wrong, Jeremy and I are in this together and we BOTH play very important roles in our girls lives. But today was my day to realize what I had been sacrificing and missing.
I feel terrible that Jeremy had to endure the pain of kidney stones in order for me to experience these revelations, but would I have realized all of this if I was the honoree yesterday!?