Pumpkin Patch

This morning we went to Yule Forest Pumpkin Patch with the Harman's! It was so great to hang out with them and watch the girls play with each other. We sure do wish that they lived a tiny bit closer to us because we always have such a good time when we get together.
Here are the girls in the pumpkin picking area. This was a big pumpkin!

It was a little colder at the pumpkin patch than it was at the house. At times poor little Hayden was shivering she was so cold! She had a great time though.

Aren't these the coolest looking pumpkins!? I have never seen pumpkins that look like these. I haven't been to many pumpkin patches in my lifetime either, so that may not be saying much. I thought they were awesome though!

The girlies hanging out with the pumpkins. Grant was there too, he must have been doing guy stuff while the girls posed for pictures though.

Little friendies walking back from the "hay" ride. It was a trailer with benches pulled by an old tractor-no hay to be found. Thankfully, they told us to sit in front, right behind the tractor, so we could get a nice helping of tractor exhaust along the journey. We went through this "forest" that had tons of little wooden cut out figures. The tractor man would look back at us and say things as he pointed to some of the figures in the woods. The man is driving a very old, loud tractor for Pete's sake....does he really think that we can hear a word he's saying?!

He dropped us off at the petting zoo. I think the girls were able to reach one of the goat's tails. So, at least they got to pet something. They had a good time looking at all of the animals though.

Remember how I said I thought that these pumpkins were so cool looking, well...so did Hayden (maybe with a little help from mommy)! So, this is the pumpkin that Hayden picked out.

We then headed out to the patch to cut special pumpkins for Hannah, Grant, and Layne. The girls got a free wheelbarrow ride from a nice hunky man!

Frolicking in the pumpkin patch.

After searching and searching and mommy liking and then finding others she liked....we settled on this one for Layner. So Daddy and the girls cut it from the vine using the pumpkin carving tool the patch people gave us.

On the way back to the farm. Hannah picked out the green pumpkin-isn't that so cute!

Daddy with our two pumpkins. The real fun comes tonight when Miss Priss and Miss Dirt Ball get to dig in and clean these guys out!

We traded Layne's in at the last minute for a smaller cuter pumpkin that is still big enough to be cleaned out and carved.....leave it to mommy to change her mind!

Layner the pumpkin head!

What a fun morning we all had! Grant finally made it in a picture!! We finished the trip off with breakfast/brunch/lunch at The Waffle House!! What a loud bunch of messy troops we were!