Grady Ride

Grady is such a good sport! Layne just bounces up and down on Grady-like he's a toy horse or something!

You know that sister had to join in on the fun....undies and all!

The other day I wanted to take the girls outside to swing so I told Hayden to get some clothes on since she had taken them off during her "rest" time. This is what she came outside wearing-a dress that grandma made for her, floral capris, and flip flops. What a nut!

This morning Layne decided to put mommy's bowl on her head. A little red hat.

Miss Monkey likes to climb up on sister's chair and play the piano. I think she just likes the adventure of it all.

Hayden woke up early this morning and all she wanted to do was lay on the couch-no breakfast, no getting dressed, no school! Yes, I said it-No school! I knew she must not have felt well if she didn't even want to go to school. She has a bad cough and I bet she just feels run down too. So, maybe she'll go to school tomorrow.

This afternoon we went outside since it's in the 70's! Hayden loves to pick these and blow the little seeds everywhere.

She couldn't quite get all of the seeds off of this one-mommy couldn't get them off either!

And here is what Layne does with hers......


Then it was time to slide. Layne didn't want to go down the slide by herself for some reason, so sister helped out.

They were going a little too fast during this time. They both ended up on the grass!