Oh What a Difference a Few Days Make....

On Monday afternoon I took Layne to the pediatrician because I thought she had an ear infection. Sure enough she did, so we got her medicine for that and her cough. That's not the point to this story though. As I sat there on Monday afternoon cradling and rocking my tiny 16 month old that refuses to walk I was thankful. The reason why I was so thankful was because I sat there watching a poor young mother struggling to contain her 1 1/2 year old son. He was literally running circles around her. She was trying to feed him and he would dart off then she was trying to hold him and he squirmed free then she tried to entertain him with a toy and he ran across the room. I know it was a nightmare for her and I felt bad but at the same time I was thankful that my little 16 month old was not walking and that all she wanted to do was be held.
WELL, today after we picked Hayden up from her special day at school (I'll explain that later) we went right back to the pediatrician's office for her second dose of the H1N1 mist. Oh boy, was it a different day for little Layner. Apparently she was taking very very precise notes on how that 1 1/2 year old boy acted on Monday afternoon because her behavior was a spitting image of his! Now, she was not running everywhere but she was either crawling or pushing a chair everywhere. She was shrieking excited screams for no reason and fussing when I tried to calm her down. She was a maniac and I was embarrassed! And big sister wasn't helping much. She decided to take the same route as little sister. Screaming along with sis, running around, pushing chairs!! I was about ready to bust through the doors, get those little plastic syringes of pig juice, and squirt the suckers up Hayden's nose myself. Finally, I picked Layne up, rocked her, sang any and every song I knew and she found those trusty two fingers and soothed herself. Ahhh!!
**Now scroll back up and notice the "crazy" look in Layner's eyes. She was nuts I tell you!**
One more side note-her hood is up because as we were walking into the office I noticed that she had crusty cheese all in her hair (I mean it was BAD) from her grilled cheese sandwich for lunch today. So, rather than go all the way back to the car and wipe her down I opted for the hood method.
A Present for Mommy!

Today Hayden's preschool had a Shopping Day for mommies! She doesn't normally go to school on Fridays, but today we could drop the preschoolers off at 9am and pick them back up at 1pm FREE OF CHARGE! It was a kid free shopping day for the moms. I felt bad taking her since my Christmas shopping is pretty much done, so I went grocery shopping so I would still technically be shopping! They sang Christmas songs, made ornaments, at lunch, and made the cutest little tree hat ever! All of the kids were wearing them as they got in their cars this afternoon. How adorable!

Notice the beautifully lit Christmas tree in the background! We got our tree last night. It was a very quick pick because it was freezing cold and none of us had jackets! We were on the way back from checking out a few houses and dinner and just stopped to pick it out-very ill prepared! So, we decided in the freezing cold that we wanted a smallish skinny one. I think this was like the third one we looked at.