Glue Shaving Cream Snow...

Well, the weather men are forecasting snow for tomorrow so we made these shaving cream glue snow crafts in order to get ready!!

It's just 2 parts shaving cream to 1 part glue. Mix it together and get to finger painting! It dried 3D and textured!

I finally found a use for the travel sized men's shaving cream that mom and Bernie sent us each year!!

And of course Layner had to put it on something other than the paper!!

Mom and Bernie got the girls this dual car DVD player for the long car rides. It was awesome for the ride home from Florida! But I didn't really like the strapy holders that they came with. So, I knew that I wanted to make some better holders out of fabric. I thought that I would be able to find templates on the internet but I found NOTHING! So, this is the first sewing project that I have done template-less! I sewed part of the velcro straps inside-so part of it was still useful. Can't wait to use them!!