Stone Mountain Trip!!

Kenneth and Angie invited us to go to Stone Mountain with them yesterday. The girls had an amazing time. This picture absolutely cracks me up-they are both just so funny! This was taken at the top of the mountain.

Our adventure started at chick-fil-A for lunch. Then we all packed into Kenneth's truck and headed to the park. We claimed a picnic table and blew bubbles while we waited for Layne to wake up from her snooze. Hayden had to blow bubbles from every single bubble bottle that Angie brought.

Next was off to ride the train. That' what Hayden had been waiting to do so she was very excited. Layner loved it too!

Hayden sat with Kenneth and Angie on the train and she just took it all in. The train went all the way around the mountain.

Then we saw these guys that called themselves Ritmo. They played songs and beats on the tops of these buckets. They also had Boom Wackers. Kenneth and Hayden volunteered to use them.

What a sweet picture!

Layne just stood there and watched and danced a little.


So many bubbles!!

So much to little time!

We went to see a 4D movie next. It had some scary parts in it with attack fish and dinosaurs, but we all survived. Hayden even had to remove her glasses for some scenes!

Hayden and Layne amazed me on this obstacle course thing.

They both had no fear.

Well...maybe a little fear when it came to this thing. She had to enlist daddy's help.

The last thing that we did before our cook out and laser show was ride the trolley up to the top of Stone Mountain.