Where Do I Even Begin?!

Let's start with last Thursday! After Test Kitchen we all started on our exciting road trip to Pittsburgh for my cousin's wedding and to see lots of family of course. We drove to Virginia Thursday night, stayed in a hotel, and then drove the rest of the way Friday morning. Great drive...everything was wonderful.

Mom and Bernie had a nice little birthday celebration for Layne on Friday night-complete with pizza, ice cream cake, and presents. Johnny and Mwende came into town too. Yes, I know that the balloons on this cake as well are a little questionable. Balloons just must be a hard thing for a cake artist to capture.....

Present time!

Layne is now an expert griller!

Saturday morning we were off to Grove City for my cousin's wedding. Pretty much as soon as we got to Grove City I started to feel a little dizzy and off balance. But, my grandma's (Marmee) house isn't air conditioned so I just chalked it up to the heat and humidity. The ceremony was beautiful.

This was my absolute favorite moment at the reception. Watching Hayden stare up at her daddy as she danced on his feet just took my breath away.

Sunday we had a big brunch for Layne's birthday in Grove City. Unfortunately, I was having the dizzy unbalanced feeling again so I wasn't much fun for that. Then we headed back to Pittsburgh for a busy day that began on the Gateway Clipper-Ice Cream Social Boat.

Next we were off to the incline that took us up the side of Mount Washington to......get more ice cream!

This was one of the look out points at the top of Mount Washington.

We walked through Station Square and ended up at this "dancing waters" thing which the girls LOVED!

Love the mo hawk look for Layner!

Monday we headed to the zoo. First stop had to be the train!

Then it was off to the Kid Kingdom in the zoo.

They loved these little jeep things.

And a little mini log ride around the pond was all good until Layne tried to stand up to touch the fish! Talk about scary moment!

One last ride on the carousel before we said goodbye to the zoo!
And that brings me to Tuesday....the day we left for our long journey back to GA. We left around 6am and planned on driving all the way through. Wasn't going to be a big deal we were going to stop in NC somewhere for a 2 hour break and then continue on the home stretch. Well, the trip started out with Hayden getting car sick a few times, which wasn't abnormal at all. She got sick on the way up too. We stopped for an early lunch around 11:30 and when I got out of the car I just didn't feel right at all. I ate a few bites of lunch and then ended up getting very sick in the bathroom. We all packed back into the car and continued on. I fell asleep for about and hour and when I woke up I asked Jeremy to pull over because I was about to get sick again. This continued on about every 5 to 10 minutes for a half hour or so. We were trying to get to a hospital because every time we pulled over I was getting dizzier and more exhausted and sicker. We finally made it to a gas station where Jeremy went in to get some Dramamine. That came right back up. I ended up sprawled out on the grass sweating with my eyes rolling back in my head. Jeremy called an ambulance. They came quickly and got me all loaded up in the ambulance. They managed to "blow out my vein" while trying to give me an IV but other than that I was pretty impressed. Of course you are hearing this from a girl who couldn't even keep her eyes open!
We got to the hospital, they asked a ton of questions, took blood, pumped fluid in me, wrote a prescription for nausea and wheeled me out to my car in pretty much the same condition that I arrived!! I was not impressed with that.
We stayed at a hotel that night and it was pretty much the same....my head was spinning out of control, I took my pills, and couldn't keep anything down. The next morning I had Jerm call the ER and ask them to give me something for the motion sickness NOT the nausea! So, they did and we were on our way back to GA. I have not gotten sick since I've been on the motion sickness medicine. We went to the doctor yesterday and she said that it's benign positional vertigo caused by stress. I just need to keep taking my meds as needed, relax, do nothing, and things will heal themselves. So, I have been sitting around semi spinning. I really can't do anything else....even if I wanted to. Well, I can type but I can't even walk a straight line! The girls are spending some time with Jeff and Jan so that I can get better and Jeremy is taking care of me and the house. I am feeling better each day and I am praying that tomorrow is the day that I wake up and am back to normal........