Open House!

The girls have been so excited all day for their preschool open house tonight!
Before I start on that though, let me give you the stats from Layne's 2 year appointment that she had today. She weighs 22 pounds which is still in the 3rd percentile and she's 32 1/2 inches tall which is in the 10th percentile. No shots for her this visit-yeah! Everything is perfect with the little Layner!

Here's Hayden with her teacher, Ms. Nanci. There are a lot of new faces in Hayden's class this year!

And Layne with her teacher, Ms. Melodie.

Now it's time to say goodbye and run down the big hill........

This was just not one of mommy's best ideas. Layne took off as fast as she could because she didn't know any better. This picture was taken about .5 seconds before she totally wiped out. Oops!

The girls new game is to set the chairs like this and pretend that they are on an airplane! Today I brought them their snack and beverage while they flew to Pittsburgh.

Sarah's back! We got to hang out with Sarah on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Hayden is such a little mother, little Sarah doesn't even have to lift a finger when Hayden's around!

Sarah just thought Moo Moo was the coolest thing ever! Moo wasn't so sure about Sarah though.