One of Those Moments...
Do you ever have those moments in your life where you kind of can't believe that "this is MY life?" Most of the time these moments for me are as a result of some amazing thing that God has done in my life. I just have to stop and wonder....why me God because I certainly don't deserve it? It's such an indescribable feeling.
But this morning when I pulled up the driveway after dropping the girls off and running errands I did not experience an amazing God moment. It was more like a totally shocked and embarrassed "this is MY life!" Below is what I saw as I drove up our driveway....I did find God in the moment though....I said to myself, "Thank you GOD that nobody can see this from the street!"

Then it hit me....."Oh no, Lisa and Rebecca are coming over this afternoon!!" Now, you may be thinking, Ok, so just pick the clothes up and bring them inside. Well, I have lived with this hunter for 7 years now and I have learned not to mess with a hunter's freshly unscented killing attire! So, I prayed that Jerm would get home from work early (before 3:15) so that he could disassemble his......manly clothes line?! Let me stop for a moment so that I can describe a little about what you are seeing in the above picture. He rigged up this solid steal beam and laid it across the porch railing and the garden box. Then he took his freshly washed in unscented detergent killing attire-all the way down to the long johns-and hung them on his "man line". I guess maybe the boots were cleaned too since they are on display as well. The laundry basket-let's just rename it the killing attire cage since that's it's current purpose-is holding some of the smaller items used to camouflage oneself (hat, socks, I think I saw one of those bank robber type ski masks in there). And of course, we cannot leave out the freshly emptied hosed out yet still nasty smelling trash can on the left. I mean, it just completes do I say this nicely...."backwoodsman" picture.
So, back to my story. I waited and waited for Jeremy to get home but I knew it wasn't going to happen. So, I went to the shower and cleaned myself with his special Hunter's No Scent Shampoo-hair and all. Then I washed the clothing that I was planning on wearing in order to move his killing attire in the hunter's no scent detergent. I had to hang them on the "man line" to dry so that they remained scent free. Once they were dry I put them on and then oh so gingerly placed each item into the laundry cage and carried it into the garage. I then moved the solid steal beam man line out of the way so that my friends didn't have to do the limbo in order to get to the front door. Yep, I even moved the freshly emptied hosed out yet still nasty smelling trash can! Which I feel like I must take a moment to say how much I appreciate my wonderful husband taking the trash to the recycling center each time it gets full! That is definitely not something that I would want to do. Love ya my manly backwoodsman hunter :)
Oh and by the way I was totally kidding about the whole "de-scenting process" that I went through before I moved his clothes....I just took my chances that I may make them smell a little.