Our Trip to Colorado!

Last Saturday we flew into Denver Colorado with Philip and Angela. We then drove to Avon Colorado which was about 2 hours away. Once we got there we went to our rooms and then decided to go hiking. This was the view as we were wondering around aimlessly trying to find hiking trails that were pictured on the map!

This was our view from the suite!

On Sunday we went to a pretty cool church right near our suite. I think it was nice for all of us to just sit in service, praise God, and soak in His word-no other responsibilities! Then we went to lunch. We had to make sure that we went somewhere that had lots of TVs so we could watch some of both the Steelers game and the Falcons game. We found the place and Big Ben and the boys looked great! The falcons on the other hand...... Then we went bike riding through Glenwood Canyon.

Some of the trail was right along the highway but other parts were away from the roads so that was nice.

Angela gave me the idea to try and take pictures of ourselves while we were riding. It was hysterical watching her try to do it, but I thought it could be a really cool picture!

This rock was at one of the rest stops. Jerm tried to climb it.....

The two adventurous ones climbed down some rocks to get a closer look at the rapids! Crazy!!

On Tuesday we volunteered with Habitat for Humanity in Edwards Colorado. They were building 4 duplexes so we helped out. We hammered drywall stops, swept the floors, sawed some wood, and appeared on the local news!

We all had a lot of fun with it and everyone was super nice. We'll have to look into the Habitat in the Atlanta area!!

We also went 4 wheeling on Tuesday. This adventure was Philip, Angela, and Jeremy's favorite.

We took 2 four wheelers all the way up a dirt road to the snow covered mountain in the background of this picture! It was pretty awesome and cold.

Here we are at the top. That's the Continental Divide in the background.

Another attempt at a "take a close up picture of yourselves".

Jerm and I got off the four wheelers and did a little hiking to a non-existent waterfall. We were so disappointed because we both really love waterfalls. It was worth it though. At one point Jeremy went way up ahead of me and I just stood there.....in TOTAL silence. When was the last time you just heard NOTHING?! It was so peaceful and relaxing. It was amazing.

On Wednesday we went Zip Lining-this was the one that I was most nervous about but it turned out to be my favorite adventure of the week.

There were 6 zip lines cross the canyon and we just zipped from one to the other. It was pretty awesome!

We also went to Piney Lake on Wednesday too. It was about a 40 minute drive on a bumpy dirt road, but look at this view!! It was another one of those totally silent peaceful places.
It may seem like we had a very busy time while we were in Colorado but we definitely took the time to relax with games or smores by the fire at night. Philip has played Monopoly so much that he has the board memorized (I mean I am talking prices of each property to purchase or if you land on it and locations! It's pretty amazing). Angela brought Bananagrams and that game is just plain awesome! We also stayed in and cooked dinner together a few nights during the vacation.
It was an unbelievable vacation and we enjoyed every second of it. Thanks so much Philip and Angela for inviting us and for planning all of the outstanding adventures!