Layne's Love Hate Relationship...

Last night we went to the girl's preschool for Cookie and Cocoa with Santa! It was so cute and very well done! I skipped to the most eventful part first, but I will show you about the whole night.
We start with a split screen of the girls with Santa in 2009 and in 2010-Same story a year you can see. This year Hayden has learned how to keep her smile and composure amidst all of the screaming and commotion-great work girl. That is not an easy thing to do!

When it was our turn Jeremy went up there with the girls. Hayden sat right on his lap and Layne clung to Jeremy like a medical leech on a patient. Jeremy tried the pep talk and everything. I was standing with the photographer waiting for "the moment" to snap away. The photographer just looked at me and said, "Have your husband just put HIM on Santa's lap and we'll snap a quick picture." The fact that she didn't know our sweet little Layner was a girl considering she had pink shoes on and earrings should have tipped me off that this was not advice that I should follow! But you know me...I said, "Sure." So, Jeremy hesitantly put Layne on Santa's lap, shot me a nasty look, and walked off the stage...and the picture above is what happened! As I stood there I got the sense that every single person in the gigantic room had stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the child screaming bloody murder on Santa's lap. After we got the picture Jerm briskly took Layne from Santa, shot me another look, and took Layne away in order to comfort her. Oh geeze! Do I dare turn around and face all of the other dirty looks and stares?! Right at that moment someone came up to me and whispered in my ear....."What kind of mother are you?!" You know that feeling you get when you are humiliated? It's like all of the blood rushes up to your face like a burning fire and suddenly it's like your heart skipped a beat and dropped to your feet all at once?! That's how I felt until I turned and saw that it was one of Layne's teachers who I know and she was totally kidding. I still did kind of look around though to see who was "judging" me. Couldn't find any guilty people in the crowd though.
Then we saw Ms. Melodie (Layne's teacher) and she made Layne's world right. I just love to see how much Layne adores Ms. Melodie. I can tell how Layne feels about someone or something just by looking at her big blue long eye-lashed eyes. Seriously, Layne's eyes just light up when she sees Ms Melodie (Layne refers to her as "My Melodie") and that doesn't happen with a lot of people when it comes to Layne. She is very cautious and picky when it comes to loving people (unlike her sister!). Layne even told Ms Melodie that she loved her the other day!
She's the perfect teacher for our little Layner.

Sweet Hayden with Santa. This was BTSSB (Before Traumatic Show Stopping Breakdown).

We made a Family Plate!

The tree and star were hand painted and the plate was glazed with something. The girls got to dip their fingers in different colored paints and put "ornaments" on the tree. So Cute!!

Eating cookies in the same room as Santa!

They made their own little baggies of "Snowman Soup" (hot chocolate mix) to take home. It was SO cute. Each blue container had something different in it and there were instructions beside it that let the kids know how many spoonfuls they should put in their baggie. Layne loved the "smarshmellows"!

Each of the girls got to make 2 ornaments. That darn smile again!

It was such a great night. Layne will even tell you that she loved every minute of that night! I just love their preschool!!!

Cuddling with one of the Christmas bears.

Sarah's here!

The latest phase of the European Deer Mount process! Jerm would not let me take a picture of phase 2 of the process, so here's phase three. Phase two was when it was strapped to a tree trunk using a truck tie down. A few details that you need to know about this: 1.the tree was right near the back garden in full view of any of our visitors... perhaps someone coming to pick up a cake or other sweet treat. Delicious thing to see!! I couldn't take a picture of it because it would "disgust" our blog followers, but it was not too disgusting for my customers?! "Here's your scrumptious cake, oh and the mental picture that will be burned in your brain of the deer skull with rotting flesh handing from it that's strapped to our tree that you'll see to your right as you back out....well, that's free of charge! Bon appetit!" 2. The skull was about 5 feet up the tree so that "the dogs and cats wouldn't get it, but the flied and maggots could"!!! The words of a true southern boy!
So, Phase 3 was boiling the skull in the turkey fryer to get the rest of the "meat" off. Anyone want to come over to our house for Thanksgiving next year? We can fry up a turkey in our turkey fryer?! Yikes!