Fun in the Kitchen

We are still snowed/iced in....going on day 3 of NO SCHOOL!
The other night we got out a Kitchen Experiment Kit that Aunt September and Morgan got the girls for Christmas. We chose to make the fizzing bubbly beverage. Added a little citric acid, baking soda, water, flavoring and there you had it-your very own pop that tasted.....

Layne's was raspberry and none of us could actually get that one down the hatch. Hayden's was watermelon and it was nasty, but drinkable.

Sweet Steelers Superbowl Dreams!!
September and Morgan had a special Christmas elf that made 2 fleece Steelers pillows for me this Christmas! We LOVE them!!

The sheets of ice around her are terrible. All of the leaves looked like this. At least the sun is out today so I think a lot is melting. I don't think that it's above freezing though, so tonight could be interesting!

Easy Bake Cinnamon Pretzels!
Thank goodness we have so many great new Christmas gifts around!! We are definitely making use of them all!