Love Day

After school the girls and I picked up a special lunch for daddy, pulled him away from work, and had a nice lunch at the park!

It was a lot of fun!!

Last night up at DP we had the Life Group Kick Off Party and the kids even had a party of their own! The childcare workers had planned a Jesus Loves Me Valentine's Day Party! I even got to stay in there with the kids since we had SO MANY. It was a lot of fun. Layne had fun with the stickers!

The other day we decided to make some Rice Krispy Treats with the strawberry heart marshmallows that Grandma and Pap sent them.

As we waited for the marshmallows to melt Hayden asked Layne some addition problems and let Layne use her fingers in order to count and get the correct answers! It was very cute to watch.

Our finished treats. Layne sprinkled the yellow sprinkles and Hayden did the orange.

What to do with the empty Rice Krispies box?! Put it on our head and walk around of course!!

The girls just had to bring their newest stuffed animals with them to run errands the other day. They even wanted them to be buckled up!

Not sure if you can tell, but this is a flashlight shining from inside of Layner's pants! Who knows?!