
The girls have been sick with a cold and cough for a few days now. But, when Layne woke up screaming from her nap today I knew there was more to this story. Once I got her calmed down she let me know that her ear hurt. She was in a lot of pain too. Our pediatrician had no appointments for today so it was off to the Take Care Clinic for the first time.....
Fortunately, the only waiting we did was for them to get back from lunch. I scheduled an appointment for both girls. Here they are enjoying the exam room. The verdict- Layne has an ear infection and Hayden has strep. Layne most likely has strep too, but the nurse didn't put her through that awful test since the antibiotic that she's on for her ear would knock out strep too if she has it. Poor Hayden took one for the team with that strep test-it was bad....there was gagging and coughing and watering eyes.
The girls got a special package in the mail the other day. Coloring books and candy! Is there a better combination if your a toddler that loves to color?! They LOVE their coloring books and jelly beans. Thanks Grandma and Pap!!
On Monday I kept the girls home from school because of their terrible coughs. I looked at Layne's class calendar and they were making umbrellas at school, so we decided to make an umbrella craft too. They loved getting to squeeze that glitter glue themselves! Layne kept calling her umbrella "gordella" for some reason.
On Monday Daddy and Pop were also working hard on the kitchen mini renovation!! Layne was not a big fan of the nail gun. This is what she would do. No joke, if the nail gun was ever sitting on the kitchen floor while Layne was in there she'd squat down to get a closer look. It was almost like she was sizing it up or something! She'd never touch it....just look at it and ask lots of questions :)
The renovation was as follows-moving some cabinets above and below, taking out the stove, putting in the new stove top, and putting in the new double CONVECTION oven.
Hayden and Pop reading the instructions.
The almost finished product!! Still need to re-size the drawer under the flattop and wait for the cabinet guy to build us the new drawer for under the ovens. I did use both the stove and the oven last night! Cooked mom's lasagna!! It was awesome. Now I really need to read all of those instructions before I start baking all my cakes for the weekend!!
This is what a 2 and 4 year old do with a big box! After they were done laying in it they colored all over it!