End of the Year Programs....

This morning Jeremy and I got to watch sweet Layner perform in the 2 year old End of the Year Program. She sang a little, looked around a lot, was very distracted, BUT didn't cry at all!

Isn't she just the most precious thing ever!?

Here she is getting her certificate for the 2 year old class!

My little Layner.

Tonight we headed back up to the preschool for Hayden's End of the Year Program. None of my pictures turned out, so I'll have to wait on Pop's. Well, I did manage to get this one of the little diddle. The program was adorable. All of the songs were about trains and this is how all the little kids were dressed!
Sometimes I look at our girls and I just can't even believe that God actually gave them to ME. They are both just so amazing in very different ways and I am so lucky to be their mommy!! Let the SUMMER begin!!