7 years ago
November 29, 2012
November 28, 2012
Some Christmas Shots....
It's that time of year again....time for a Christmas card! Here are some of the pictures that may or may not go in the card this year.
November 27, 2012
Pickin' Out Our Tree
On Sunday we went out to Lowe's to get the perfect Christmas tree!!
Mommy found one and daddy found one so it was time to make a choice! Hayden liked one and Layne liked the other....go figure!
Daddy holding our Ross family Christmas tree and the girls holding their mini trees that they found!
November 24, 2012
Scoops and Covington Square
Yesterday I took the girls to Scoops in Covington. It's a cute little ice cream shop on the square.
I love these girls so much I can't even stand it!
Hayden was SO excited that she was able to hold Wynnie. Not sure that Gwynn felt the same way about the experience!! Then there's Layne.
Being crazy playing the violin.....
and the harp.....
The Half
About 5 or 6 weeks ago I decided that I was going to start training for the Thanksgiving Half Marathon. I had been running some, but it was good incentive to really bump my training up a lot! I found that it was actually a lot harder to train as a nursing mother to an infant! We worked it all out though.
I had my last long run about 10 days before the race. It was a hard run and I was SO sore afterwards. I was more sore after the 12 mile run than I was after the half marathon for some reason. The day after my 12 miler I started experiencing neck and back pains. I dealt with it for about a week and then finally went to the chiropractor. He adjusted me and the kink feeling in my neck went away. I was still so sore and achy though. A massage therapist friend of mine came over a few days later and helped with those pains. The next day I woke up with a terrible headache and more neck pains. Fortunately, I had another chiropractor appointment that morning. He worked on me again, took x-rays to ease my mind, and told me to run the race! So, I ran the race with some pain....but really who isn't in pain when running 13.1 miles?! My time was not the greatest, but my goal was to finish the race and I did that! I got to run it with my good friend Whit. Whit just got into running about a year and a half or so ago. She has now run 4 half marathons in one year! She's an amazing inspiration for me to get back in shape after baby number three.
November 22, 2012
November 19, 2012

Goofy sisters watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Grammie and Pop got Wynnie a new toy! She's still a little small for it, but she likes to sit up and explore all of the colorful toys all around her.

She's still not rolling over, but we're working on it. I think it's probably because we still swaddle her during naps and at night. I remember that Layne was rolling over in her crib all the time at this age. Gwynn is on her own little schedule and she will do it when she's ready!

Action shot of Wynnie trying to get the cat toy in her mouth!
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November 16, 2012
Thanksgiving at Peachtree
November 15, 2012
November 14, 2012
Thanksgiving Lunch!

Today Wynnie and I went to Hayden's school for Thanksgiving lunch! It was so cute. All the kindergartners sang a cute little song and they were all dressed up. It was so great!

Here's Hayden's little pumpkin pie that she helped make!

Wynnie just sat in her stroller and made faces :)

My little Indian!

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4 Month Update

Yesterday I took the little princess to her 4 month check up. She did great.....well sort of. I think that she remembered the whole shot experience that happened 2 months earlier. As soon as Dr Jattan came in and I put her on the exam table she started screaming! Oh well. She weighs 14 pounds (75th percentile) and her height is in the 75th-90th percentile and her head circumference is in the 95th percentile! I just knew that she had a big head!!
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Rainy Run

On Saturday I ran a 5K up at Discover Point in order to raise money for a little 3 year old boy that has cancer and then I ran home in order to get my 12 mile run in. It was a rough run at the end, I honestly didn't feel like I had any more in me! I think that the Thanksgiving Half is going to be a rough run, but it will be good to complete my 4th half! On Monday I was STILL sore from the run so the girls and I decided to go for a run in the rain in order to loosen up those muscles.
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Silly Smiles

Layne found this hat and has fallen in love with it. It looks so cute of her too!

Layne has such a funny personality. She says the funniest things, but she HATES when people laugh at her. She thinks being funny and silly are bad things. Mommy just has to work with her to help her to realize that God mad her silly and funny and it's a great quality!

Our pretty little peanut!

She has definitely found her tongue, gums, and lips! Silly smile girl.
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November 10, 2012
Rice Cereal Face
November 8, 2012
Hydrate, Big Boots, Bangs, Awards, and Doctor

On my long runs I get dehydration headaches so I reached out to my facebook friends to get some advice. I got all sorts of suggestions: sip water as you run, coconut water, Smart water, chocolate milk right after the run, Pedialyte, pickle juice, Nuun, salt the morning of a run.....Sheesh! So, after my 10 mile run last Saturday I got some Pedialyte. Didn't taste great and did a so so job. I guess we'll keep trying :) I'm going to 12 miles this weekend! I've been feeling very tired and achy the last couple of days. I hope this feeling passes soon!!

Daddy ordered new hunting boots and the girls had a great time trying them on!!

They are enormous! Speaking of hunting, it's the rut so Jerm has been in the woods since Wednesday night. He'll be back tomorrow night though :)

This picture sums up Layner. So darn cute but a handful at the same time!

Yay! We are so proud of our little Panther of the Month!

Hayden had her 6 year check up today. She did wonderfully. She's in the 10th percentile for height and weight-no bog shock. She has perfect vision and hearing. Both girls got the flu mist so that they won't get the flu this year and especially so they don't pass it on to Wynnie. Everyone was well behaved and happy. We were in and out of the appointment in 30 minutes. It was awesome! Hopefully it will be that fast when it's just Wynnie and I next week for her 4 month check up.
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