December 28, 2008

Viewers Beware!
I am being 100% serious when I say some of you may not want to scroll down enough to see the picture below. Tonight, Jeremy unwrapped and cleaned his arm pins for the first time since the surgery last Wednesday. I really wanted to "be there for him" through this painful and disgusting experience. But that is about all I did-I froze and just couldn't help much because I was just so overwhelmed by how bad it all was. I can't even believe that Jeremy was able to look at it so close, let alone clean it! This picture was taken after Jeremy had removed the ace bandage, gauze wrap, nasty gauze pads, and cleaned all of the "holes". It was much worse uncleaned but that doesn't make this a pretty picture by any stretch of the imagination. We are hoping for only a week and a half more of this wretched device then it's on to a camo cast!
*For those of you that are brave enough to look at the picture below-you can get an even bigger and better look at it if you click on the picture! Enjoy!

4 love notes:

Anonymous said...

The look on your face it PRICELESS! Jerm, we are proud of you. Both of you keep hanging in there, it will be behind you before you know it.
Lots of love,
Mom and Dad Ross

Unknown said...

Looks like a horror movie.

The Consumer Queen said...

Look at him just smiling ! Then look at your face LOL! Well I am glad he can still have a smile on his face through all of this. Hope the healing process goes smooth for you both!

Scott Comptois said...

That's not that bad.. looks better than the original pics of the break.. that was nasty.