Well, Thursday was the big day! We got to the hospital right around 6am and they didn't waste any time getting the induction going. I saw a doctor from Greystone and he was ready to break my water and start the pitocin. I told Jeremy that I wanted to say, "Hang on here just a minute....let's make sure that we discuss the epidural before we start moving so fast!" I did make it very clear to everyone that I wanted an epidural and I wanted it ASAP. Unfortunately, I had to wait until I was 4 to 5 cm in order to get it. I managed until then though. Once I had the epidural things got better for me, but worse for Gwynn. Every contraction I had slowed her heart rate.... noticeably. They put oxygen on me, but that didn't help. Finally, they came in with some sensor thing that they were going to put on her head to make sure she was ok and another sensor that was going to in the uterus to measure the strength of the contractions to make sure that they weren't too strong. I was so nervous, I just wanted her to be here and safe!! Fortunately, when they checked me before putting the sensors in it was time to HAVE A BABY! BUT, every time that I pushed her heart rate would drop very low. Some times it even dropped to 30. It is supposed to be between 160 and 120. We all knew that she had to come out and it had to be fast! So, Melissa (midwife) took out the vacuum and all it took was once and she was out. They had all kinds of doctors in there just to be sure that she was ok....and Praise the Lord she was!! She was perfect!! Scary situation, but everything worked out in the end.

Gwynn Anderson Ross born at 2:48pm. 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long. Our precious new baby is finally here safe and sound.

Of course daddy had to have his daddy/daughter nap with the new love of his life!

Sweet little sleepy head.

Great Grandma Leakey came for a visit.
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2 love notes:
So glad you are both okay! Welcome to the world baby Gwynn!
I am so glad things worked out! As soon as I get rid of this pesky cold, I am coming to see you guys (that is, if you're up for it) :)
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