November 18, 2008

Baby Head Bands!

I don't want to offend anyone that puts these cute little elastic bands on their baby girl's I hope you aren't offended! We got some of these cute little elastic bands as hand me downs from people. We never used them when Hayden was a baby, but recently she found them in the "hair accessories" drawer in her bathroom. So now we like to play with them.

And of course Hayden can't have one without Layne wearing one too! I guess I just don't understand the purpose of them. Is it to keep hair out of their face-probably not, in most cases, since most babies don't have that much hair. Maybe it's so that everyone will know that it's a girl since most babies look like boys. Who knows?

Here are the girls together in their crazy silly head bands!

1 love notes:

Jessica said...

haha...I'm right there with you...not a big fan of those head bands...but they make for some funny pictures!