June 25, 2009

Bird of a Feather Stick Together

My morning run started out with a neighbor's little yapper dog chasing me down the street. Then it was on to the local elementary school down the road. As I came over the hill of the back entrance to the school I spotted two black vultures perched on the fence near the driveway. I saw them last week too, but they just stood there and watched so I didn't think anything of them sitting on the fence. That is until one hopped down and started RUNNING AFTER ME! I couldn't even believe that I was sprinting because a big mean bird was chasing me-I had no other choice. As if that wasn't bad enough the second one took off in order to initiate an air strike! So, I am sprinting for cover while one bird is nipping at my heals and the other is swooping aiming for my jugular!! I even caught myself saying out loud, "You gotta be kidding me, what do you guys want from me!?" Thank the Lord for those covered walkways because that's where I took cover.
As I approached the entrance to the school on the way back I looked on the side of the road for something in order to defend myself from these brutal birds. After running 6 miles I wasn't in the mood for this bird business so I was going to be the one doing the attacking this time around. I searched for an ax, hammer, sawed off shotgun (? sounds like something you may find on the side of the road down south!). Surprisingly, I wasn't able to find any of those items so I decided to take a safer birdless route for the last leg of my run. I'll take those pesky fly attacks any day over the vultures!!

2 love notes:

Cipolla said...

That is the craziest story I've ever heard!!! I'm glad you're all right.

Cindy & Jennifer said...

Too bad you didn't get this on video. You may have won some money from America's Funniest Video!!!