Sharing Snacks
The girls had a little snack outside this afternoon. Hayden has no problem sharing snacks with Layner-her best buddy. She also has no problem making sure that Layne shares her snack with her big sister!! Hayden is also very protective of her little sis.
I am a member of both FreeCycle and CheapCycle. FreeCycle is a group of people in different areas (I am a member of the Conyers/Covington one) that post items that they want to give away for free or they post items that they want for free. CheapCycle is very similar except the items have a price. Well, I have been looking for another Little Tikes picnic table for the 2 and 3 year old room at Discover Kids. So, I decided to put a post on both of the Cycles and sure enough I got a response from each!! One was for free and the other was for $25. We went with the free one and it's awesome!!! The girls are using it this week until we bring it up to the church. We put one on Layne's birthday list, but if she doesn't get one I know where I am going to find one!
Sharing raisins. When they "share" they both put a lot in their mouths so that the other won't eat them all!!
1 love notes:
sweet pictures!
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