Project Deck Extension
Recently, we bought a tub of deck stain that was marked down about 80% from the original price-in other words we got a great deal on it! That small 15 dollar purchase got the wheels turning in Jerm's head. He came to me one day and said, "If we ever want to extend the deck now would be a great time since we haven't stained it yet." So, after we ran the numbers and he told me about some of the future plans for our newer larger deck (single door leading to the deck from our bedroom, screened in porch...) I was sold!!
Kenneth and Jonathan came over on Friday ALL DAY to help out with the foundation. They were a huge help!
Yesterday it was Jerm, Hayden, and I in the rain working on the fun part-laying the deck boards.
We worked until dark but didn't quite finish. Ad a matter of fact I am being called right now-time to work on the deck again!!
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