September 22, 2009

Hair Day!

This wig is going to go with Layner's Halloween costume this year. We have decided not to reveal what Layne will be, but at least you know what her hair will look like!! She LOVED the wig. She screamed when sister tried it on and then again when I put it away. What a goof.
Sister wanted a turn with the wig too.
Layne just new that she looked silly with the wig and the apron look. She loved every minute of it though.
This morning Hayden did not have preschool because of all of the flooding going on. So, after our shower I decided to put her hair in pin curls to see if it's something that I would want to take the time and do for her birthday party.
It took a long time and a lot of hair spray....
But she loves it! I keep catching her standing in front of mirrors just turning right and then turning left so she can admire her curly new look.

1 love notes:

Sandra said...

The boys didn't have preschool either. They cried when I told them. :-(