September 20, 2009

Lucky You're So Cute!

Tonight Hayden was trying to get the box of mini pineapple upside-down cakes down and this is what happened! Don't worry DP family that attended the baptism today....these were the leftovers and this happened AFTER the baptism!
I wasn't too upset about it because I had just told Jeremy that I was just going to throw them away because this recipe wasn't as good as one I had used before. They use biscuits and these tasted "too biscuitie" to me! I know that sounds crazy to all of those southerners out there-but please remember that I am a Yankie (and proud of it!) and we don't really do biscuits that much. This is the look that Hayden gave me as she was cleaning up her mess. How could you be mad at that face!?
Layner wasn't far from the sweet treats. She decided to munch on a cupcake wrapper instead of digging in on the real food-go figure!
Daddy, I picked this one off the floor especially for you!
The other day I gave Layner an Oreo-what a mistake! She loved every minute of it though!

1 love notes:

Sandra said...

I'm afraid that Connor may be teaching her some of his tricks!!