September 17, 2009

Teaching Little Sis about Hygiene

Hayden is very good about washing her hand after she goes potty. When Layne hears that water turn on she speed crawls to the bathroom to get in on the action.
I took Layne to the doctor's office yesterday to get her weighed (finally). She weighs 17 pounds 10 ounces, which I thought was good. Well, once they charted it it showed that she is less than the 3rd percentile for weight. They are still concerned and want to see her next month for a weight check. I think I am going to call her regular pediatrician and see if I can talk with her about it, since Layne saw a new doctor in that office for her 1 year appointment..... I try not to worry about her weight since she is so happy and healthy otherwise, but I want to make sure she's ok.

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