September 26, 2009

Where Has My Zone Gone!?

Running just hasn't been going so well lately. For the past week and a half each run has felt more like a dreaded chore than an enjoyable activity! When I start my run I am mentally figuring out how much longer it will be until I get home and as I run I am visualizing the course (since I run it all the time) to see when I will be home. My mile pace has been a little slower lately for some reason and that get frustrating since I check it frequently as I am running. I just want so desperately to get back to my running zone. The zone is a point in the run where you just tune everything thing out and you are just enjoying nature, the music, the movement, and the run. No struggling, pain, shortness or breath, or wishing you were just done! The thing about the zone though is that it's unpredictable, it could last for a minute, 30 minutes, the entire run, or anywhere in between. It's such an amazing desirable feeling though. I have been completing all of my scheduled runs even though the zone is gone....with the exception of today. I was supposed to run 11 miles today and I just couldn't make it. I ran out to energy at 8.5 miles. I just didn't have it in me so I walked and ran the rest of the way...mainly walked! It's just so frusterating.....where did my zone go!? I need you back Zone friend!! Any suggestions to help take my mind off the run and get back into my zone?? Please let me know....

The Foot of a Runner

I know you guys may not want to see this, but I did want to enlighten the future runners out there-your feet will not get prettier by running! Not that I had pretty feet to begin with. I have always has feet that look like there were crammed into soccer cleats all the time-and they were! You know, short stubby toes. But this running thing has destroyed any good looking features that they possibly had! I have to keep my toe nail VERY short or they will get black and blue and sore. My toe nails are super thick too, kind of crazy. Then I have a big blister looking callus on my second toe and then of course the beautiful blood blister like jewel on my third toe. Not sure what that's all about. Now I know that I could do some things in order to make them look a little more presentable-putting a fresh coat on polish on them, filing down the callus.....but who has time for all that!? They are what they are-just a perk of running I suppose.

1 love notes:

Sandra said...

I'm thinking you and I need a pedicure next week!!