October 5, 2009

THE Par-Tea

Saturday was the big third birthday celebration. It was a Fancy Nancy tea party. Here is Ethan showing off his Spiderman skills on the swing.
For lunch we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches-no crust of course, goldfish crackers, grapes, fruit cups, and raspberry punch. It was quite a fancy lunch.
And for dessert we had cake and parfaits! The hat cake was brown sugar cake with cookie dough filling and the purse cake was almond cake with raspberry filling.
Even though it was a Fancy Nancy party we had top hats and bow ties for the guys! Here is Grant with his way too big top hat!
Fancy Hannah came to the party all dressed up and ready for the fun! What a little princess.
Here's grandma with her two girlie girls.
Family sibling picture.
The gang
Hayden getting ready for the big game on Sunday-Go Steelers!
Nice action shot of Hayden blowing out her birthday candles.
Fancy Hayden all ready for her big par-tea!
Pappy with the girls.

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