August 24, 2009

Yesterday we were out to lunch with some families from church. David and Lisa have a three year old son named Ethan (House of Collinsworth is their blog listed to the right). He is super smart for his age! He was spelling his name for me at lunch. So, of course when we got home it was time for daddy to teach Hayden how to spell HER name. Here is video, taken this morning, of Hayden spelling her name for us. She is making a face in the beginning because of the boogies in her nose. I feel like I have to explain the two deer that are "breaking through" the walls in our bedroom! We used to have all of Jerm's hunting trophies in our office, but we moved the office to our bedroom when we had Layne because we needed two bedrooms for the girls. So, the deer and one turkey fan made the cut and were moved to the bedroom (it was there or the family room so I opted for the bedroom!). Let me tell you how awesome it is to look up in the middle of the night and see two deer watching you sleep. If I am lucky sometimes the light reflects off of their glazed eyes and wet looking nose! Sometimes when Moo (our cat) is cleaning herself at the bottom of our bed I wake up and certain that the noise is Bambi's father licking his lips and is about to pounce on me at any minute-It HAS been a very long time since he last ate-maybe he would enjoy human! Maybe one day we will have a house with a "man room" just for daddy's office and dead but made to look alive animals. One can only hope....

1 love notes:

House of Collinsworth said...

Way to go Hayden!!! :o) And I just love the deer (probably about as much as you love them!)