August 22, 2009

Well, today was the big surprise day! I took Hayden to see Dora the Explorer LIVE at the Fox Theater!! For the first act Hayden just sat in her seat and took it all in-no participation. I started to think that maybe Dora Live wasn't such a great idea after all....
During intermission Hayden and I talked about what she had just witnessed. I answered some of her questions and we talked and talked.
The second half of the show was a different story for Miss Hayden. She was out of her seat dancing and jumping around. She helped out in every way that Dora asked her to. She even came up with questions and things that Dora may as her to do and then she answered those questions (ex. "Can you help me find the vine? Yes, it's right there Dora"-as she points in the direction of the vine).
There were moments during the second act that I looked over at Hayden and actually got emotional. It is such an amazing thing to see your child so genuinely filled with joy-the simplest little experience made her little 2 year old world! The thing that I have always loved most about all kids is their innocence. She was so elated to be there, it was as if she thought that Dora was talking right to Hayden Chenayi Ross and that Dora could hear her responses. It's as though she truly thought that she was helping Dora and Boots out by dancing, clapping, jumping, or doing anything else that they requested. I think that's why I get so emotional and have to blink like crazy to flush the tears and swallow to push the lump down again. It's so bitter sweet because it's also during those times that I realize that this innocence will leave my sweet babies some day.
Posing during intermission
Going down the fancy steps of the Fox.
Here she is sitting on the steps outside of the Fox Theater with her new Diego Rescue Pack on her back.
On a different note-I wanted to include three of Hayden's funny little self questioning comments that she has been saying lately:
"I don't know why I'm feeling so sick today"
"I don't know why I am feeling so tired today"
"I don't know whey I am having so much trouble today"
I guess I do a lot of self questioning and talking to myself throughout the day and little Miss Mirror has picked up on it. She cracks me up every time she says it.
Today was a day that neither one of us will soon forget-each of us for different reasons! I am so blessed to have such an amazing little family-I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world.

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